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  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Infiltration

Nanotrasen was once one of the largest non-sanctioned multi-province Corporations. These days, Nanotrasen is covertly known for their self-sufficient stations operating secretly and privately in lawless portions of the Stanton system and the Pyro system.


Long ago Nanotrasen was among the largest corporation in the galaxy, its power rivaling any governments; having dealt in research of the most advanced sciences, such as genetics, space travel, and uses of rare artifacts and plasma(s). They also had a sizeable asset protection and security branch with which they secured both investments and occasionally new acquisitions – a distressing rival to some organizations, and a powerful administrative branch sitting atop it all, directing their company’s actions. Having lost the space-race to competitors like Robert Space Industries and others in the many fields of science Nanotrasen now relies on untested and dangerous methods of aquring capital, residing much further in the gray area of the law than in the past. Nanotrasen is characterized by its aggression and questionable ethics, which, combined with the high emphasis they put on illegal and dangerous technology, means their installations are often considered unsafe and hazardous. To a degree few of its competitors could achieve, Nanotrasen owes its success to diversity and quick reactions to unfolding events aboard its starships. Worth a distinct laugh to employees who are told of this, Nanotrasen’s fluidity and aggression tactics are still considered the core of its success as the company attempts to rebuild its long lost empire.


Nanotrasen is a hectic corporation. Nanotrasen utilizes a ranking system, every worker is their job. The only way to move up in a job is to prove yourself to a ranking officer of your current work station, or just living long enough to replace them. The lucky few move to the almighty Central Command Station which handles higher-level corporate affairs. Nanotrasen works to create one near self sustainable hidden autonomous station or outpost at a time in each system, each with their own purpose; they are however usually placed together in order to get the most out of the area. (Usually including focus on a mining outpost, research station, or third utility station (prison, Communications, military, supply shipping, or a number of other utilities)).


By accepting NANOTRASEN terms of service, you are henceforth giving NANOTRASEN the right to own YOU! No fear required for your future or safety when in the hands of NANOTRASEN!