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62nd Marine Regiment / NAILS

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  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

The 62nd Marine Regiment of the UEE Marine Corps. We have a long, battle-tested history of taking the “fun” out of fundamentalism. If you THINK you MIGHT have what it takes to endure REAL hardships, EXTREME DANGERS, BONE SNAPPING Nail drops..apply…and we’ll see…..Semper Fidelis Col AldoUSMC



We Nails of the 62nd UEE Marine Regiment hail from a proud history that began in a Tavern during the 18th Century on Earth. We represent a lineage of Marines that began in a collection of colonies back then that became the “United States of America” and spread to numerous “Marine Corps” that sprang up across the planet in the early days. Known as the best of the best, the toughest of the tough, doing everything, forever, by yesterday, with nothing, and loving it…. we 30th Century Marines strive everyday to carry on that proud legacy. As you’ve obviously read in the Galactic Guide on the Kilian System, and learned growing up… “Corin Is where we hang our covers and call “Home”…if there is such a thing for a UEE Marine. Corin is a deadly ice world that we use for command, housing and training. Dotted with icy tundras and craggy rock caves, Corin is technically outside the Kilian system’s green band. We maintain a massive underground base, but also require that all trainees survive a six-month boot camp on the planet’s surface. Marine units we do not have deployed in the ‘Verse are engaged in constant wargames here. Corin is (of course) one of the best-protected worlds in the galaxy, because Marines live there.” We have a long, proud, battle-tested history in our Corps of taking the “fun” out of fundamentalism. It’s EASY to steal, It’s EASY to be a pirate or a brigand… take life’s earnings and food from the mouths of the hard working, peaceful races and species of the ‘Verse…… It’s not EASY to be us…which is why few take up the challenge, and even fewer still prove themselves men and women of character, willing to live their lives in hardship for something bigger than themselves. Weather we are flying, manning gun stations, conducting boarding operations, or dropping on the heads of the ‘Verse’s worst enemies…We put the “Nails” in the coffins of the ne’er-do-wells of the ‘Verse. We KNOW and have personally proven time and time again, century after century that we have what it takes to endure the REAL hardships of long, cold escort patrols, the EXTREME DANGERS of tracking down and bringing in the ‘Verse’s worst pirates, and having our toenails rammed into our skulls through the length of our bodies on every planetary Nail drop into the heart of the enemy’s largest force concentrations..out numbered…but never out matched in skill or Espirit de Corps. We have EARNED the title “Marine” and “Troop”, and have proven ourselves worth as legendary “Nails” of the 62nd UEE Marine Regiment. Our Unit Crest hails back to the days of the 1st U.S. Marine Regiment of the 1st Marine Division. The blue field that symbolized the blue seas of the South Pacific in the 20th Century remains intact as we patrol in the 30th Century the deep blue seas of the ‘Verse. The five stars of the Constellation “The Southern Cross” under which much of the 1st Division fought their battles in mid-20th Century have been replaced by replicas of our Nail Drop Pods….as we now patrol amongst the stars of that constellation and drop on the planets of her systems. The Red “1” and Guadalcanal have been retained in honor of our roots, and to remind us of the blood shed and sacrifices made by those who have gone before and have given us such a proud legacy to earn and carry on as one of their own. The Red “62” does the same and makes it OUR Regimental symbol….to be worn and carried proudly, never to be sullied by deed or lack of deed. It is these things, and the spirit and collective memory of our Corps, past and present which motivate us to sacrifice all on behalf of the races of the ‘Verse who wish to make it a better place, to live in peace and respect of the amazing diversity that is existence of an individual, a race, a species. Honor, Courage, Commitment………….

Semper Fidelis
Colonel AldoUSMC
“Don’t kill nothin’ that don’t need kill’in….it just isn’t necessary”


Welcome to the 62nd Marine Regiment of the UEE Marine Corps.

We have a long, proud, battle-tested history in our Corps of taking the “fun” out of fundamentalism. We put the “Nails” in the coffins of the ne’er-do-wells of the ‘Verse. If you THINK you MIGHT have what it takes to endure the REAL hardships of long, cold escort patrols, the EXTREME DANGERS of tracking down and bringing in the ‘Verse’s worst pirates, and having your toenails rammed into your skull through the length of your body on every planetary Nail drop into the heart of the enemy’s largest force concentrations .. then apply…and we’ll see if you do…..

Do you want to be part of something bigger than yourself ? Do you want to live and work with people who have your back 24/7/365 ?

Can you EARN the title “Troop” and become a legendary “Nail” of the 62nd UEE Marine Regiment ???

Semper Fidelis
Colonel AldoUSMC


The Regiment exists to bring calm into the Chaos of the ‘Verse…to help races and species be better tomorrow than they were today…

Should you choose to serve…and be accepted….you should expect to fly escorts and fly in the attack, you should expect to make yourself an expert manning the guns, you should expect to conduct boarding operations in any clime and place, and you should be ready to strap yourself into your nail and drop into the heart of the worst places in the ‘Verse.

You should expect to do all this side-by-side with like-minded men and women of honor who call themselves “Nails”

We strive always to live by our code:

Honor: By joining the 62nd Regiment we agree to serve with honor. Oppose and hunt those pirates, brigands, and enemies that would disrupt the pursuit of peaceful trade and life in the ‘Verse.

Courage: When faced with the Chaos of the ‘Verse, hardship, or battle, we steady our minds and our hands and do what is “good” and “decent” … and find the courage to not sully the proud history of the Regiment by involving ourselves in nefarious or illegal activities…

Commitment: When called to arms we agree to drop any non-combat, non-critical missions and come to the support and defense of fellow Marines of the Regiment and to aid ships and Citizens in distress. And support other Marine units in the ‘Verse.

Self-Discipline: The Hallmark of a great Marine throughout history. To do what honorable thing needs to be done, regardless if anyone is watching or if we will get direct credit for it or not.

Mutual Respect: Weather I’m a Private or a General, I should treat folks as I want to be treated…everyone has brilliants ideas and does the exact right thing at the exact right time more than one time in their lives….. True leaders are grown amongst us through mutual trial and hard work, not born. Don’t matter what species or race of that species you are….if you prove yourself a “Nail”… are a “Nail”.