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Metallurgical Industries for Space Technologies / MIST

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Trading

MIST, developing and materializing the future.


The Metallurgic Industries for Space Technologies (MIST) is a powerfull and dedicated galactic commerce guild, trade cartel, megacorporation, and lobbying group that was founded in 2764-02 as an association of business and trade groups with its own commercial trade fleet.
Back in 2154 some major organizations such as the Space Extractive Metallurgy Industries (SEMI), House Tresario (HT), Interstellar Banking Clan (IBC) and Developing & Inventing Space Technologies (DIST) organization united into MIST. The abundance of pirates resulted in the uniting of these organizations.

A list of events in MIST’s history,

2944-01 – 16th CEO Vaporizer & reformation after the Vanduul attack.
2938-08 – A black day in MIST’s history, after a huge Vanduul invasion against MIST our CEO and 10 out of our 12 executives died with most of our nodes gone and only a fraction of the organization left.
2932-07 – 15th CEO Barry Bordanish
2927-03 – 14th CEO Maruso Balin
2918-03 – A Xi’an merchant guild refused our first trade treaty.
2912-02 – 13th CEO Besany Laquince
2907-03 – 12th CEO Savage Buir
2907-08CEO Domis Champ was poisened, the motive and suspect(s) are still unknown.
2894-12 – 11th CEO Domis Champ
2893-11 – Signed first alien trade treaty with a Banu merchant guild.
2891-04 – Destruction of the most feared and worst enemy, the Targun pirate syndicate.
2888-01 – 10th CEO Wallo Bever
2873-02 – 9th CEO Rowen bayse
2864-07 – Start operation Gorilla Bread – Operation to activily fight against the big piracy syndicate called, Targun.
2863-12 – Lost millions credits by corrupted executives, which happened to be undercover pirates of the Targun syndicate.
2852-11 – 8th CEO Restelly Quist
2842-04 – 7th CEO Lanius Barú
2838-05 – A new well organised pirate syndicate has risen which happens to target MIST’s infrastructure, Targun.
2820-04 – 6th CEO Crix Sunburris
2811-06 – End of the Morna Shabar syndicate tyranny.
2807-06 – 5th CEO Skarch Vaunk
2791-09 – 4th CEO Kal Astrick
2791-08 – 3rd CEO Jusik Burdan was killed during a Morna Shabar ambush.
2787-02 – Start operation Black Puppets – Operation to activily fight against the big piracy syndicate called, Morna Shabar.
2785-06 – 3rd CEO Jusik Burdan
2779-10 – A rising organised piracy syndicate is targeting MIST’s nodes and trading routes, Morna Shabar.
2771-10 – 2nd CEO Darman Estroll
2764-02 – Coalesce of Space Extract Metallurgy Industries (SEMI), House Tresario, Interstellar Banking Clan (IBC) and the Developing & Inventing Space Technologies (DIST) organization into MIST, with Etain Mukan as first CEO.

Space Extractive Metallurgy Industries (SEMI)
SEMI was founded in 2154-04 by a few comrades, after a few centures SEMI grew to be one of the largest operating organization in the metallurgic industries. Because of increasing piracy in the 27th and 28th century SEMI began to collaborate with other organizations wich led to MIST in 2764.

House Tresario (HT)
HT was founded in 2475-08 by deserted militaries, the main reason for their desertion was the lack of attention against piracy by the UEE and corruption. House Tresario only accepted applies of fellow ex-military people, after a few centures it grew to be a guild of a few thousand deserted militaries. Because of their expertise in hunting down pirates they worked neatly together with SEMI to improve their efficiency. A few years after the 26th century HT accidently killed UEE military that were undercover in piracy syndicates which led to a war between the UEE military and HT. This war almost led to the downfall of HT and the uprising of the pirates in the 27th and 28th Century.

Interstellar Banking Clan (IBC)
IBC was founded in 2538-10, it was one of the largest banking organization in the galaxy. Because of increasing piracy in the 27th century IBC had to deal with a lot of pirates which led to corruption and finally the downfall of IBC in 2764. Most of the trusted executives, like Etain Mukan (first CEO of MIST), collaborated with SEMI to start a new organization which led to MIST in 2764.

Developing & Inventing Space Technologies (DIST)
DIST was a small organization founded in 2724-11, which developed new space technologies and did a lot of research on it. DIST’s CEO Mursuk Xavié was Etain’s schoolfriend, because of that relationship DIST was involved in the formation of MIST in 2764.


The Metallurgic Industries for Space Technologies (MIST) purpose is to dominate entire star systems, major trade routes, and possess a formidable private military. MIST will take part in each process from mining to developing to selling so it will be most effective and profitable as possible.

MIST seeks to increase the efficiency, profit and scale on economical basis. Its key qualities are the interstellar network of contacts and variety of specializations and inclusiveness respect to:
  • The variety of economical perspectives.
  • The scale of MIST’s activities which fall within the broad domain of economics.
  • The dedicated officers in charge.

MIST will centre itself on mining, transport, developing, trade and research on economical resources and gain knowledge for profit.To achieve these aims the MIST constitutes itself as a new form of galactic, interstellar political economy, and pluralist organization with the following commitments:

1. To plurality. MIST will encourage his members for exploration to find new star systems and economical nodes that adds to our market and increases our balance.
2. To competence. MIST accepts the members perception of recent events. So as to better serve MIST in the future, MIST will encourage critical thought and development of new ideas.
3. To reality and relevance. MIST will promote economic relationships with organizations as to gain more market share, be more efficient and increase our economical values.
4. To diversity. Both the members and senate of MIST are specifically constituted in order to embrace all forms of diversity within its organization.
5. To openness. MIST intends to ensure that all its processes of actions are transparent and open to input from all its members. To this end the MIST will constitute itself on the organization page and use digital technologies such as google documents for records.
6. To outreach. MIST recognizes the valuable contributions to economic thought that are made by researchers and thinkers outside our hive. MIST will encourage such people to become members and add their insights to our collective mind.
7. To galactic democracy. MIST will be democratically structured and make democratic decisions so as not to allow its domination by one man.

MIST believes that these commitments, when held in common by its members, will increase the efficiency, profit and depth of our economic infrastructure, so that in the future MIST’s structure will be better equipped to increase our monopoly.


Constitution Metallurgical Industries for Space Technologies

Created 2154-04-11

Article I – Name
This organization will be known as Metallurgical Industries for Space Technologies, hereafter referred to as MIST.

Article II – Purpose
The purpose of the MIST is to:
A. Dominate entire star systems on an economical basis.
B. Own nodes in each level of metallurgic industries.
C. Own trade routes.
D. Get motherf*cking rich.

Article IIIMIST’s members responsiblities
A. Treat members of MIST with respect.
B. Do not backstab any of your fellow members for any personal good.
C. Maintain an attitude of cooperation, not competition.
D. We are one and not some undisciplined monkeys. So share your information and help your fellow members in need.

Article IV – Officers
Section I. The duties and responsibilities of the CEO will be as follows:
A. Maintain order in MIST.
B. Make decisions with the executives.
C. Have the bigger picture of all actions involved with MIST.
D. Main the MIST organization page.
Section II. The duties and responsibilities of the executive will be as follows:
A. Fullfill the CEO’s duty in his absence.
B. Aid the CEO in his duties.
C. Be the CEO’s second opinion and adress him on any mistakes.
D. Maintain the MIST organization page.
Section III. The duties and responsibilities of the senate (CEO and executives) will be as follows:
A. Negotiate and consider any applies for MIST.
B. Negotiate and consider submitted amendments.
C. Operate strategic operations to achieve MIST’s goals.
D. Manage MIST’s bank account and property.
E. Create missions.

Article V – Roles
Section I. Marketing
A. Identify and target potential market for MIST.
B. Maintain the MIST bank accounts.
C. Manage the branding of MIST’s organization page.
D. Excecute missions created by the senate.
Section II. Human Resources
A. Negotiate and consider any applies for MIST.
B. Maintain relationships with other organizations.
C. Hire people (mercenaries, bounty hunters etc.) when needed.

Article VI – Constitutional Amendments
A. Amendments to the constitution shall be submitted by members of MIST to the senate in writing for consideration and approvel.
B. Written notification of the proposed amendment to all voting members must be made by mail or email, at least two weeks in advance of any vote on changes in the constitution.
C. A two-thirds vote of members present will be required for adoption.