Supply or Die

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M.E.D.S.T.A.R. (Special Medical Services) / MEDSTAR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Transport

M.E.D.S.T.A.R. [or Medical Emergency & Distress, Salvage, Transport And Rescue] service are a for profit aid organization you can call on when you need it most.


Officially formed in 2943, M.E.D.S.T.A.R. is in it’s infancy. Many however think M.E.D.S.T.A.R. is ideally positioned to seize a significant bearing in the Search & Rescue market due to large gaps in service across the Galaxy.



All our members take an oath to preserve the lives of beings within our reach, human or otherwise.


M.E.D.S.T.A.R. is a for profit, Medical Aid, Search, Salvage, Rescue and Transport organization. As such we are politically neutral. We have no partnerships with other organizations that skew our intentions to provide a fair Search & Rescue service to everyone in need within our reach.


Our members have a strict policy to avoid fire fights. We carry weapons only to be used in self-defence, according to our rules of engagement policy: “We will seek to preserve the lives of our pilots and crew, and anyone who comes under the care and protection of our services. Our members are bound to seek a peaceful or measured response in all situations. If we are not only fired upon, but appear to be targeted with malicious lethal intent, we aim to respond with measured, non-lethal force. Under exceptional circumstances we may be called upon to do all in our power to protect the lives of our pilots, crew and patients.”


We are primarily known as a Medical First Aid provider, but this is just one wing of our organization.

Our Search & Rescue wing respond to stranded or downed pilots who need collecting. We also rescue pilots who’s ships have malfunctioned. Whilst many of our member pilots and crew have basic mechanical and engineering knowledge we cannot supply a breakdown service in every situation, but can provide rescue and transport services for humans, aliens, and in some instances – animals. We operate in war zones for a much higher risk adjusted fee, only if our pilots and crew are willing to volunteer.

We also provide Salvage and Transport services for bereaved family members of dead un-recovered pilots, and can be trusted to do our utmost to retrieve the bodies and possessions of those who have died in the black, and can take family members to areas of space where their loved ones died for remembrance and memorial purposes.

Lastly we provide medical supply transport services of much needed medicines and drugs , which also includes the secure and timely transport of organs destined for transplantation.

Look Out For Us And We Will Look After You…


1) Preserve & Protect The Lives Of All Who Come Within Our Reach.

2) Abide By System Laws That Do Not Conflict With Our Preservation Of Life Policy. (Piracy Or Vigilantism Are Strictly Forbidden).

3) Complete The Missions We Are Given In A Timely And Professional Fashion.

4) Remain Neutral Of Political And Organizational Agendas.