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Upper Mediocre Gaming / MEDIOCRE

  • Organization
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  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Security

We are a group of space friends, in the business of earning lots of space bucks, and enjoying every moment! We aren’t terrible at anything, but we’re not great either. We’re just pretty good. Or, Upper Mediocre. We won’t disappoint you, very much.


Since the year 2008, we space homies have been trucking in a uniformed fashion. We met whilst conducting Military operations in the 7th Cavalry Regiment, spending the majority of our time lobbing artillery shells at our adversaries in Arma 2. Ultimately, and through many years, we found that while we liked the idea of * MilSim*, we had collectively tired of the drama that comes with it. Therefore, in 2012, we, along with some new intergalactic dudes and dudettes, struck out to carve our our own little piece of the universe! Today, while we still love tactics and do engage in combat, we prefer the simple life of space trucking, errand running, and just hanging out. We’ve had our wars, and now pick our fights. We’re kind of like Marky Mark in that one movie where he got sick of killing and all that mess, so he moved out to the woods and married a dog or something.. Sh!tter.. I think that’s what it’s called. Or Pooper.. Anyway… you won’t see us out there raiding and pillaging. We are enforcers, not destroyers. However, if you mess with the mediocre, prepare for an upper decker. Cus ladies and gentlemen… We can drop a dookie like you don’t even know.. We’ve trained for this..


We are out to meet space B!tches, get space dollaz, eat burritos and hot dogs, pound energy drinks, and well… Whatever else you do.. Shop for clothes? Anyway, we do what we wanna do, and we have fun doing it. We are good guys. No bad guys. Just good dudes and chicks, having a good time, and being ourselves, whoever we are. Our main goal however, is to not be great, but also not suck. We aren’t politically correct. We swear up a storm, and we have a blast doing it. Space is the escape.. Even Picard came back to space because the world is full of crap. Dude is like 95 years old, and he’s still out there chasin space bitches. He knows what’s up. So do we.. Because we’re boys with Picard. In fact, we don’t call him Admiral, or even Picard. We call him Jean Luc, because we’re tight like that. I’m talking fist bump territory.


The illustrious members of Upper Mediocre Gaming shall abide by the following:
  • We shalt not be douchy, unless such doucheness is in reaction to a more heinous douching, in which case, trolling by act of douche is acceptable.
  • We shalt have fun at all times. If we are not having fun, we should depart from the space matrix and go back to real life to remind ourselves why we were in the space matrix having fun in the first place.
  • We shalt not be terrible at any game, nor shall we be excellent. We shalt maintain our middling standards at all times. If we find ourselves to be terrible at any point, we shalt “get gud” until we are within our mediocre standard.
  • We shalt partner nor accept anyone to our ranks that gets offended by anything. If anyone within our ranks is a little bitch, they shalt be expelled with prejudice.
  • We shalt experience as much of the game as possible, and provide honest reviews, feedback, and suggestions regularly. This means we will tell the truth when it comes to things we like, or dislike. In words more fitting, we shalt contribute to all games and communities of which we are a part.

If you’d like to join the ranks, know that we require an anti-douche pact to be made. (You just basically say you promise not to be a douche, and we say okay, then if later you become a douche, you’re going to get tossed, and not allowed to come back because douche’s are shitty.. Girls don’t even like em. ) If you don’t get kicked out, you will achieve the rank of douche permanently. Because that’s how this goes.