(Click Here for The Torns YouTube Chan)
(1) We have been Torn from Our Items We Will Help our Torn after a Wipe!*
* Help with UEC, group missions, etc. We do Not Want Any of Our Torn to worry about a wipe when it happens!* * **(2)* **HAVE FUN* !***We are the Torn, as a new member of the Torn, all New Members shall receive a helmet to Identify as a “TORN” details are on our Spectrum!
However, we Recently acquired a Polaris Capital Ship and a Starlancer TAC for part of Our Torn Fleet! Helmets will be delayed until 4.0 however :(
We are the Torn, We have been Ripped Off Before, Like Toilet Paper after a Wipe! We say~ NO MORE!
The Torn two Main Mission Orders
(1) We Will Help our Torn members after a Wipe!
* This includes Help with UEC, Gifting of ships, group missions, etc. We do Not Want Any of Our Torn to worry about a wipe when it happens! Contact Mechtorn for any Help needs*(2) **HAVE FUN* !*
Contact our Founder MECHATORN for ANY Help needs!
We are the Torn, as a new member of the Torn, all New Members shall receive a Free racing helmet gifted from the CiG Store to help Identify yourself as a “TORN” for any ingame meetings our org or members may have!
* details are on our Spectrum or by contacting our Founder MECHATORN.