Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Militant Aggregate and Nexus Development Advisory / MANDACORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Social

We are a multinational organization with most people hailing from Australia, New Zealand, and United States. We have people in-game and grouping up daily!





Built upon Strength, Honor, and Loyalty, MANDACORP has paved the way for like minded citizens of the verse to pursue their goals and further their interests while enjoying a fun and friendly environment. Many of our Org members we’ve found just traversing the verse and asking them to join us in our adventures.

We are a multinational organization with most people hailing from Australia, United States, and Europe. With people in-game and grouping up daily for all aspects of gameplay. We pride ourselves on being easy to approach, being open-minded, and focusing on enjoying the Star Citizen as it grows around us.


On a daily basis MANDACORP participates in one way or another with the verse, whether we follow the law or traverse the lawlessness of the verse – we will engage in activities that furthers our goals and achieves our intended purpose.

We have divisions for every aspect of the game, without narrowing it down, because we believe that our members should have the freedom to be a citizen the way they want to be. In the future, in order to be a cohesive organization we will have people from every facet of the verse to be a self sustaining and self sufficient.

Being like minded, we all follow and enjoy many Sci-Fi & Space faring entertainment. Most importantly, at the core of our Organization we value and believe in the ideals of the Madalorians, which we readily apply in the verse.

Strength is life – We constantly strive to better ourselves and learn from each other to be the best in the verse.

Honor is life – We honor our commitments and our agreements with citizens that we interact with, and especially members in the Organization.

Loyalty is life – When a MANDACORP member is in need, we will come to assist. If a member is being hunted, the hunter will become hunted by the rest of the MANDACORP members without mercy.

We are here to make an impact in the Star Citizen universe, while enjoying the journey at the same time. Accomplishing this with a crew of org members that are friends, brothers, and sisters in arms – MANDACORP is the best way to enjoy that journey.


MANDACORP Foundation Credo

Be humble in victory for you have grown stronger.

Be gracious in defeat for you have learned something.

Be respectful to our enemies for they are people too.

Be helpful to new players for we were them once.

We pride ourselves on being a helpful, friendly, and fun Org to be in. But we will show force when necessary, prove ourselves when it’s needed, and defend our brothers and sisters aggressively. Uphold these values and rules and you’ll fit right in.

This is the way.

Org Rules

1. Don’t be a dick. Be respectful to other players and Org members.

2. If rule 1 doesn’t make sense, our Org is not for you.

3. Whether on ships comms or Discord, we will have many people in the voice channels at once, therefore communication etiquette is expected from all members (This entails talking loudly over people within the discord or talking excessively ).

4. No Drama!

5. Anti-Social behavior will not be tolerated.

6. Promotion of other organizations, guilds or clans is not accepted in any form. Media self promotion is accepted YouTube, Twitch etc.

7. This is a community orientated game and we don’t want to give ourselves a bad reputation (toxic chat etc.) with any other orgs so please be moderately respectful while chatting on in game chat.

8. MANDACORP utilizes a three strike system for its members anyone breaching these rules set above will be warned with a strike.

9. Be somewhat sane

10. An understanding of sarcasm is required.

Org Ranks

Rank List


Rank – Guest – An undecided citizen who has joined our Discord/Guilded server without signing up with the Org.

Rank – Affiliate – A citizen in the Discord/Guilded that has joined MANDACORP on the RSI site, but has NOT indicated MANDACORP as their primary Org on the RSI site.
Rank – Recruit – A person who has just joined the Org, the first rank in our Org.

Rank – Member – A player who has proved themselves to be a Member of the Org. Casual player. Has designated MANDACORP as their Primary Org.

(Promotion method to next rank = Promotion voted by moderators)

Rank – Ranger – A citizen who has been added to the Org through the RSI site. Active Player in SC with MANDACORP members. Has designated MANDACORP as their Primary Org.

(Promotion method to next rank = Promotion voted by leadership majority)

Rank – Corporal – A citizen who has been added to the Org through RSI. Active in both Discord/Guilded and SC with MANDACORP members, actively participates in events. Has designated MANDACORP as their Primary Org.

(Promotion method to next rank = Promotion voted by leadership majority)

Rank – Captain – Same as Corporal + Assists Recruits/Members in-game and in Discord/Guilded. Actively leads groups in SC for random encounters and organized teamplay. Has designated MANDACORP as their Primary Org.

(Promotion method to next rank = Promotion voted by 1 Founder, 2 Chairman, and Moderator Review)

Rank – Admiral – Same as Captain + Moderates all ranks at Captain and below in Discord/Guilded. Enforces Org rules. Has designated MANDACORP as their Primary Org.

(Promotion method to next rank = Promotion voted by 1 Founder, 2 Chairman, and Moderator Review)

Rank – Grand Admiral – Same as Admiral + Enforces Org rules + leads/organizes Org events + assists in structure/design of Org with Founders and provides feedback on effects of said changes. Has designated MANDACORP as their Primary Org

(Promotion method to next rank = Promotion voted by 1 Founder, 2 Chairman, and Moderator Review)

Rank – Chairman – Same as Grand Admiral + Enforces Org rules + Manages/Moderates moderators.

(Promotion not possible beyond this rank)
