An organization of mature players; A conglomeration of multiple clans and guilds.
Having played together over the years, this is the opportunity that we have been waiting for reuniting us all.
We welcome new investments of players and encourage you to join us, going forward!
‘MalDef’ has been formed with like-minded players wanting to be a part of something bigger… Striving to be professional at whatever task we endeavor; Our philosophy should be easy to grasp for all… It is one that has been around since the beginning of time: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Our roots take us back to 2003 where in the Star Wars Galaxies we were born.
We have experienced many other MMO and sandbox environments, over 9 years spent on ‘Intrepid’ and ‘Flurry’ servers.
Our purpose is to provide a safe haven within our game, support one another, and have fun.
Being a social guild, we wish to provide everyone an opportunity to experience what they seek.
Greetings citizens,
We are an organization of mature players. A conglomeration of multiple clan/guilds. most of us have played together over the years. This is the opportunity that we have been waiting for to reunite all of us.
Our mission: we are prior military, but now we focus on a trading entrepreneurship. Our goal is simple. Be elite in the shipping lanes and keep our fleet in the absolute best shape we can.
We look for all walks of players. Our main player base is casual, but daily. We have roles for pilots, gunners, support, and officers. We look forward to bringing on additional players who want a home where teamwork, fellowship, and common goals make the difference. Our team and fleet is ever growing. Bringing players from all styles: FPS, Space Sims, MMO’s to name a few. Importance comes from people you choose to play and spend your time with. We plan on an experience that is rewarding and challenging. We are not an organization that sits idle by, but yet in the forefront. Those who accept this challenge and wish for a team of mature, casual, focused, and elite players, please feel free to register here and sign up to enlist.
Services Overview
Being a band of former UEE military, we are now focused on our own ambitions.
Focused on trade and opportunity, our services will be focused for our allies.
Financial gain is always in the card, but Mal Def is going to fill a market that others
will try and fail. Logistics and location are the keys to building a successful operation.
Our primary function is going to be advanced weaponry and munitions, and also
refueling operations. Having the capacity to move mountains is one thing, but we
also have the organization and distribution element. Our business ventures are ever
expanding as we progress; however, our crew and their ships are core.
We take pride in having our fleet in pristine order, and those who choose to make
a difference are welcome and rewarded. Fear not, for none have fallen alone, and
no one is left behind. Through organization, teamwork, and communication we will
succeed again. Malevolent Defiance is at your service, and please wire for an appointment
to schedule your next order.
Malevolent Defiance
Philosophy & Code of conduct
MalDef was formed with like-minded players wanting to be a part of something bigger, and strive to be elite at whatever task we endeavor. Our philosophy should be easy to grasp for all. It is one that has been around since the beginning of time: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Our roots take us back to 2003 in Star Wars Galaxies. We have experienced many other MMO and sand box games, but over 9 years spent on Intrepid and Flurry servers. Our purpose is to provide a safe haven within the game, support one another, and have fun. We are a social guild, and wish to provide everyone an opportunity to experience content.
MalDef is a UEE loyal organization with a primary focus on trade and exploration. We have made our presence clear throughout the now standing coalitions, and we will support them. Great friendships are formed in organizations such as ours, but here are the expectations of all members:
We are not a “loose” organization. Most of us play daily and at length. We are not looking for fair weather players that want to ride the coat tails of success. Expect that by joining an organization, there is an expected dedication. We all are people and have real lives, but we also have respect for others play time. We all spend money for this social interaction, and everyone will have the same respect of game play time. We are a “mature audience” organization, so most minors will not be accepted.
Honesty is REQUIRED from all parties. No exceptions.
Keep your real life drama at home. You have other social media outlets for that. When chatting on forums, with other clans, and chatroll, members will always be respectful and never down talk another member.
We understand that everyone has a life outside, and if you are going to be absent from planned events or for an extended period, notify an officer or myself.
In the travels, exploration, mining, manufacturing and corporation business dealings, there will not be any loot drama. Our goal is to outfit all members to the best of our ability. Upgrades, fuel, and additional funds will be filtered throughout the company as we grow.
Chain of Command:
There is one in place for organizational purposes.
We are all masters of our own crafts, but there are going to be roles to fill that are less glamorous than others. We are broken into 4 divisions:
1.Trade: this is the day to day operations of mining/manufacturing/refining/and delivery of goods and service.
2.Defense AND Combat Ops: escort/patrol/and fleet defense operations.
3.Exploration: scouting/charting resources and sources of revenue for the fleet.
4.Intelligence: exactly what it sounds like. The gathering/brokering/selling/distribution of information.
All of us will end up filling different role at certain times, but for the most part divisions will be established. Each division will have a Commander, and a squadron CAG will be elected/appointed.
From there we are divided into simple jobs, but on the whole we are equals. I have led this clan for over a decade and for that, I am retaining the helm. If you have a disagreement with an officer, you do it in private. During combat or an important trade run is no time to have an argument. Do not expect leadership to have to explain every decision and reasoning, there is usually not enough time. Follow orders, we have your best interest and the organization’s at heart.
Not adhering to naming policies, terms of use, and the code of conduct, you will be dismissed.
We frown upon guild-hopping, so if you leave us, I would not plan on returning. This is standard for most long standing clans.
Finally: If your account is ever compromised, you must notify leadership immediately!! A hacked player could potentially cause massive damage to the organization and our team. That player will be dismissed from the organization until proof of account integrity can be authenticated.
I look forward to many years of service with all of you again:
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