Origin m50 Owners Club / M50

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Scouting

Ladies and Gentlemen

if your looking for speed, look no further. Join the Origin m50 Owners club.
We don’t care what you do or where you go, as long as you do it

full throttle and in style!

For safety, please discharge all weapons before entering the premises.


Brief History and House Rules

by CY-ONE, honorary Keeper of Records

If you want to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible and with as much style as possible then ORIGIN’s M50 is for you. Featuring supercharged engines that counter a tiny weapons loadout, the M50 is a ship for going FAST. The core spaceframe is used by both racing teams and for military courier missions, but the civilian M50 is a luxury spacecraft like no other.

We welcome Owners and Spectators alike.

For the safety of the ships, the Board kindly requests Owners and Spectators to discharge all weapons before entering the premises.

We do not require ID nor disclosure of affiliation. All walks of life welcome. We only ask for appropriate behavior on premises of the club.

If you do not own the ship yourself, please inform the Board at your earliest convenience.


Our inspiration
excerpt from Lore Builder Racing


Shortly after Ellis System was discovered in 2467, the system was very sparsely populated. Four planets were currently being terraformed so there wasn’t much to do planetside. Terraformers began having ship races around the system to pass the time, setting up the skeletal ‘tracks’ for the first set of courses.

Travellers moving through the system began to take part, challenging the locals to their high-speed races. Amon Murray was a criminal and gambler in the system, currently making most of his money selling the terraformers drugs and other contraband. He was also a bookie who began to collect bets on the amateur races throughout the system.

Finally, in an effort to make some real money, Murray committed some of his resources to offer a small credit prize to the winner, knowing that the CTR’s (the UPE’s currency at the time) would bring even more competitors into the system and hence, more bets would be placed. Under those humble (but somewhat shady) beginnings, the inaugural Murray Cup was held in 2479.

After that, the races grew in popularity and Murray had fortuitously positioned himself in the heart of it. His cash prizes increased as well, until he could afford to leave his criminal enterprises behind (mostly) and focus on pushing the sport and spectacle of ship-racing into the mainstream.


This is the draft charter of the club

Article I – Name

The name of this club shall be the right honorable Origin M50 Owners Club.

Article II – Purpose/Mission Statement

  1. The purpose of this club or organization shall be to to provide a place where Owners can congregate , [& mission statement.]
  2. Origin M50 Owners Club shall abide by all polices and procedures instated by RSI.

Article III – Affiliations

The Origin M50 Owners Club shall have no affiliation and will not enter into any relation to any other organisation other than other owners clubs.

Article IV – Membership

  1. Any Owner is elegible to membership of the Origin M50 Owners Club.
  2. Spectators shall be welcomed as permanent guests.
  3. Membership in this club is open to all meeting the above criteria, irrespective of race, creed, color, gender, class, age, nation of origin, nationality, disability, marital status, religion, veteran status, or sexual orientation.

Article V – The Board

  1. The officers of this club shall be:
    • the keeper of records,
    • the Shieldbearer,
    • the Flagbearer
      and the
    • Ladies and Gentlemen,
      together being the “Honorable Fellows of the Board”.
  1. [Insert qualifications for each office, if any. For example, “Members must have been a member of the club or organization for at least one calendar year to be eligible to run for election as president.”]
  2. [Insert provisions for removing an officer, in the event it is necessary.]
  3. [Insert whether reports from officers to the membership will be required. If the club or
    organization decides they are required, how often will they be made? How will they be made available?]

Article VI – Honorable Fellows of the Board

  1. Election of officers shall be held [Insert the month of elections and specify which member of the club or organization will oversee them. Who will announce elections? The candidates? The results? A provision should be made that specifies how far in advance election meetings will be announced.]
  2. [Insert procedures for filling vacancies in positions.]
  3. [Insert procedures for voting in elections. Some club or organizations make provisions for a secret ballot, for example, whereas some feel a vote by a show of hands is best. What percentage of those voting shall constitute a candidate’s election? Consider procedures for election proceedings in which no candidate has won.]
  4. The Honorary Keeper of Records shall be CY-ONE. He may also sit as active Board-member at his own discretion.
  5. The Honorary Fellow of Old is Sir Edric “PowerRacer” de Durville. He or his heirs shall be tasked to be the last member of the Club and on dissolution of the Club to lock the doors of the premises.

Article VII – Meetings

  • Section 1 – Regular meetings of this club or organization shall be held [Specify the frequency of meetings. Determine who has the authority to call a meeting and who has the responsibility of notifying members of meetings and how it should be done. For example, “The secretary shall notify members of the business meeting, via e-mail, no later than five business days in advance of the meeting.”]
  • Section 2 – Quorum shall consist of [insert the number or percentage of ] voting members. [A quorum is defined as the number or percentage of the total membership that must be present at a meeting in order to conduct the business of the club or organization.]
  • Section 3 – The [specify edition] edition of Robert’s Rules of Order [or Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure] shall govern meetings of this club or organization within the requirements of this constitution and bylaws adopted by the membership of this club or organization.[Student club or organizations are not required to follow these procedure standards, but if the club or organization decides to do so, it should be articulated in the constitution.]
h3. Article VIII – Committees 
  • Section 1 – [Insert a description of standing committees, their function, financing, powers, etc.]
  • Section 2 – [Describe the selection of committee members. For example, “Members of the marketing committee shall be appointed by the President, with a majority vote of approval by the general membership.”]

Article X – Finances (if applicable)

  • Section 1 – Fees for the Club Hangar

Article XI – Constitutional Amendments

  • Section 1 – This constitution may be amended by a vote of [Insert the number or proportion of the membership required to amend the constitutions. What is the process by which revisions may be proposed? How far in advance must proposals be distributed to the membership? Are changes effective immediately upon their passage? May this take place at any meeting, or may changes only be proposed and passed at an official business meeting? ]

Heading ThreeArticle XII – Bylaws

  • Section 1 – Not applicable as of writing.
    [Some club or organizations may find it necessary to implement policies other than the primary guiding rules described in a constitution. As the constitution, in many ways, is the backbone of the club or organization, it may not be appropriate to include secondary policies in this document.]


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