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Luminis / LUMINIS

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Resources

At Luminis, you will shape forever.

The moment you step into Luminis Academy you’ll feel a purpose. A calling. This sense will follow you as you leave, venture beyond the star’s influence, and stand at the edge of forever.

Ignite the dark



Unhinged Gaming Presents Luminis

Unhinged is a gaming community that has been around for over 18 years. Founded in 2005 as a small guild just like any other. Their goal was to create a place where gamers of all backgrounds could come together, engage in meaningful conversations, and have fun playing video games. As the years passed, Unhinged grew and expanded, game after game – learning and making connections along the way. Its members have always been passionate about creating a safe, and positive environment for all gamers, and have made sure to foster a culture of acceptance and understanding.

A landing pad for new, and old players

In 2022, Unhinged hatched the very idea of Luminis. The Academy was crafted with the intention of helping gamers improve their gaming skills and create a better gaming experience for everyone. The Academy, providing tutorials on various topics, from game mechanics to game strategies, offering mentorship and guidance within the Verse. The Luminis community is highly dedicated to fostering an environment of inclusion in activities and respect. They are committed to helping create an environment where everyone feels welcome and a part of the team. They strive to help members build meaningful relationships and create a positive gaming atmosphere for all.

The end goal, the final step in those rungs within the Academy is our Divisional Mastery System.

While some of you may elect to rank up inside the academy and become mentors and officers, some will step outside in to the DMS. These are as follows:

Security Operations Command – This is our core group leading the tip of the spear in our security division.

Trauma Team – Not far behind the SOC – These are our battle hardened medics and top flight aviators.

Industrial Command Corps – Not to be confused with just hauling and mining – these are weaponized instruments of mass salvaging – Contract willing.

The Luminis team is composed of dedicated gamers and professionals who are passionate about the gaming industry and are committed to helping create a better gaming experience for everyone. They are constantly looking for ways to improve and expand their services, and strive to make Luminis an even better place for gamers.

Always hard at work, we strive to provide the best of the best for our members, some of these features include:

Discord – Standard communications and meeting place
Teamspeak – Fleet comms and emergency frequencies
Wiki – Find out the who’s, the what’s, and the whatnots with our wiki – Contribute an create your story!
Event and Mission tiles – Create, schedule and join events with our very own interactive mission system!
Party/Fleet logistics and chat system – Keep track and know who is who – where and when!
Security – Industrial – Medical Gameplay – Rank and file system with tiered promotions
Web and mobile app integration – Access Luminis features directly through our webite and app. Join a party, and be hot dropped into a party comm channel.

With new features coming all the time to keep you connected, and opportunities at every corner to join our expanding adventures, what are you waiting for?

Join today.


We, the members of Luminis – Space Security and Industrial Organization, are devoted to advancing the security, industrial and learning experience within Stanton and beyond.

We believe that space exploration is an essential part of the human experience, and we are committed to making it as safe, secure, and accessible as possible. We recognize that space exploration is a complex endeavor that requires both technical and human resources. Therefore, we are dedicated to cultivating a global community of space explorers and educators, who share our vision and goals.

We are committed to recruiting the best and brightest minds, from a range of backgrounds and disciplines, to join our mission and help us develop the most reliable and secure space systems. We will provide the necessary resources, training and mentorship to ensure that each team member is prepared to make a meaningful contribution to their respective sectors.

In addition, we are committed to providing educational opportunities to everyone interested in learning more about space exploration and utilization. This includes a range of educational topics, such as space engineering, space navigation and safety, and space policy.

We understand that our mission is only possible with the support and collaboration of our partners in the public and private sectors. Therefore, we are committed to developing meaningful relationships with governments, universities, research institutions, and private companies.

We are driven by our passion for space exploration and we are excited to make it more secure, efficient, and accessible for everyone. Together, we will create a brighter future through Luminis.


Luminis Space Corp Charter

Section 1: Goals and Purpose

A. The primary goal and purpose of Luminis Space Corp is to provide security and industrial services to the interstellar community without bias to any intergalactic laws.

B. Luminis Space Corp will provide these services with the utmost professionalism and integrity, ensuring the safety and security of its personnel and its clients.

C. Luminis Space Corp will strive to be a leader in the interstellar community, providing a safe and secure environment for its personnel and clients.

Section 2: Personnel

A. All personnel of Luminis Space Corp must adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

B. All personnel must be committed to the goals and purpose of the organization.

C. All personnel must be knowledgeable of the latest security and industrial protocols.

D. All personnel must adhere to the highest standards of safety and security.

Section 3: Clients

A. Luminis Space Corp will provide its services to clients in a professional and ethical manner.

B. Luminis Space Corp will strive to provide the best services at the most competitive rates.

C. Luminis Space Corp will strive to ensure the safety and security of its clients at all times.

D. Luminis Space Corp will not discriminate against any client for any reason.

Section 4: Neutrality

A. Luminis Space Corp will remain neutral on all intergalactic laws.

B. Luminis Space Corp will not interfere with any interstellar conflict or dispute.

C. Luminis Space Corp will provide its services without bias to any intergalactic laws.

Section 5: Amendments

A. This charter may be amended by a majority vote of the board of directors.

B. All amendments must be approved by the board of directors and be in accordance with the goals and purpose of Luminis Space Corp.