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Kyklos Industrial Group / KYKLOS

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Kyklos Industrial Group: Pioneering Excellence in Planetary & Space Ventures since 2476. A trusted partner in UEE shipyard materials supply, we lead with Xi’an-inspired logistics, powering aerospace giants like Anvil, Aegis, & RSI. Explore the future with us –


Article I: Foundation and Purpose

Section 1: Establishment

Kyklos Industrial Group was established in the year 2476 by Kyklos Hanes, a visionary entrepreneur who recognized the burgeoning need for safe and efficient material acquisition and transport in the expanding Star Citizen universe.

Section 2: Purpose

From its inception, Kyklos Industrial Group has been dedicated to revolutionizing the methods and standards of planet-side and space mining, salvaging, trading, and exploration. Our primary objective is to provide the United Empire of Earth (UEE) and its affiliated entities with unparalleled access to vital resources, essential for the construction and maintenance of their vast infrastructure.

Article II: Evolution and Expansion

Section 1: Growth

Over the decades, Kyklos Industrial Group has steadily expanded its operations and influence, becoming a cornerstone of the galactic economy. With a commitment to innovation and efficiency, we have earned the trust and partnership of aerospace giants such as Anvil Aerospace, Aegis Dynamics, and Roberts Space Industries.

Section 2: Adaptation

In our pursuit of excellence, Kyklos Industrial Group has embraced the advanced logistics techniques of the Xi’an civilization, recognizing their superiority and efficiency in resource management. This integration has allowed us to further optimize our operations and deliver unparalleled results to our clients and partners.

Article III: Key Milestones

Section 1: UEE Partnership

In 2496, just twenty years after our founding, Kyklos Industrial Group became the primary materials contractor for the UEE shipyards, marking a significant milestone in our corporate history. This partnership solidified our reputation as a trusted provider of essential resources for the UEE’s critical infrastructure projects.

Section 2: Technological Advancements

Throughout our history, Kyklos Industrial Group has remained at the forefront of technological innovation. Our commitment to research and development has led to groundbreaking advancements in mining, salvaging, and exploration technologies, empowering us to continually push the boundaries of what is possible in the cosmos.

Article IV: Corporate Identity

Section 1: Motto

“The Dawn of Greatness” serves as the guiding motto of Kyklos Industrial Group, reflecting our unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and progress in all aspects of our operations.

Section 2: Core Values

Excellence, collaboration, and adaptability form the cornerstone of Kyklos Industrial Group’s corporate culture. We uphold the highest standards of quality, foster a spirit of cooperation among our team members, and embrace adaptability as a key driver of our success.

Article V: Vision for the Future

As we look to the future, Kyklos Industrial Group remains dedicated to pioneering new frontiers and unlocking the limitless potential of the cosmos. We aspire to continue leading the way in resource acquisition, exploration, and technological innovation, shaping a brighter tomorrow for the UEE and all its citizens.

Article VI: Amendments

This corporate history of Kyklos Industrial Group may be amended as necessary to reflect the organization’s ongoing evolution and achievements, with any changes subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Such amendments shall remain in alignment with the company’s core values and vision for the future.


“The Dawn of Greatness.”

In the boundless reaches of space, where the allure of discovery intertwines with the imperative of progress, Kyklos Industrial Group emerges as a titan of innovation, dedication, and unswerving devotion to the advancement of human endeavors. Founded in 2476 by Kyklos Hanes, a visionary who recognized the inefficiencies plaguing material acquisition and transport, our corporation has since solidified its position as a cornerstone of the United Empire of Earth’s industrial landscape, spearheading pivotal operations and forging alliances with aerospace giants such as Anvil Aerospace, Aegis Dynamics, and Roberts Space Industries.

Our Mission:

Kyklos Industrial Group is propelled by an indomitable resolve to push the boundaries of exploration, mining, salvaging, trading, and beyond. Our mission transcends mere enterprise; it embodies a commitment to reshaping the fabric of existence, propelling humanity ever forward into the uncharted realms of possibility. We stand resolute as stewards of progress, dedicated to enriching the UEE and the collective destiny of humankind.


Central to Kyklos Industrial Group’s ethos is an insatiable thirst for exploration. We boldly venture into the cosmic unknown, charting new frontiers, uncovering hidden treasures, and unraveling the enigmas of distant worlds. Our fleet, fortified with Xi’an logistics techniques, epitomizes efficiency and capability, ensuring that no celestial secret eludes our relentless pursuit of knowledge.

Research & Development:

Innovation lies at the core of Kyklos Industrial Group’s DNA. Our Research & Development endeavors represent a crucible of ingenuity, where the brightest minds converge to conceive paradigm-shifting technologies that redefine the very essence of progress. From cutting-edge mining apparatus to pioneering salvage techniques, our inventions not only revolutionize industry standards but shape the trajectory of humanity’s ascent among the stars.

UEE Partnership:

Kyklos Industrial Group is honored to stand shoulder to shoulder with the United Empire of Earth in its grand designs. Our enduring collaboration spans generations, underpinned by a shared vision of prosperity and advancement. Whether spearheading vital mining operations or facilitating strategic resource allocations, our partnership with the UEE stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to the betterment of our civilization.

Ethical Enterprise:

As we navigate the cosmos, Kyklos Industrial Group remains steadfast in its adherence to ethical principles. We uphold the rights of sentient beings and the sanctity of celestial ecosystems with unwavering reverence. Our operations are conducted with meticulous care, ensuring that our pursuit of progress never comes at the expense of the natural harmony that permeates the cosmos.

Kyklos Community:

Kyklos Industrial Group transcends the realm of mere corporation; it embodies a vibrant community of visionaries, united by a shared passion for exploration and excellence. Our diverse cadre of professionals—scientists, engineers, pilots, and support personnel—operate in harmony, leveraging their collective expertise to surmount challenges and redefine the frontiers of possibility. We foster a culture of inclusivity, where every voice resonates, and every contribution propels us closer to the zenith of achievement.

Join us on a voyage of unparalleled discovery as we navigate the cosmos, unlocking its mysteries, and shaping the destiny of humanity. Kyklos Industrial Group: “Guiding Humanity’s Reach, Forging Tomorrow’s Destiny.”


Article I: Corporate Governance

Section 1: Board of Directors

1.1 The governance of Kyklos Industrial Group shall be overseen by a Board of Directors consisting of individuals appointed by the Chairman & Vice Chairman. The Board shall be responsible for setting strategic direction, appointing executive leadership, and ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Section 2: Executive Leadership

1.2 The executive leadership of Kyklos Industrial Group shall consist of the Chairman (K-CH), Vice Chairman (K-VC), and Department Director (K-DPD), among others as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.

Article II: Corporate Operations

Section 1: Core Business Activities

2.1 Kyklos Industrial Group shall primarily engage in mining, salvaging, trading, and exploration within the Star Citizen universe. The corporation shall utilize state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies to efficiently extract and process raw materials, with a focus on sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Section 2: Contracts and Partnerships

2.2 Kyklos Industrial Group shall maintain contractual agreements with entities such as the United Empire of Earth (UEE) shipyards, Anvil Aerospace, Aegis Dynamics, Roberts Space Industries, and other aerospace giants. These contracts shall be managed transparently and ethically, with a commitment to delivering high-quality materials and services.

Article III: Operational Guidelines

Section 1: Xi’an Logistics Techniques

3.1 Kyklos Industrial Group shall prioritize the adoption and integration of Xi’an logistics techniques, considering them superior and more efficient to Humanity’s methodologies. The corporation shall invest in research and development to further enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Section 2: Compliance and Ethics

3.2 The corporation shall operate in accordance with all relevant laws, regulations, and ethical standards. Kyklos Industrial Group shall maintain transparency in its business practices, promote diversity and inclusion, and uphold the highest standards of integrity in all dealings.

Article IV: Financial Management

Section 1: Fiscal Responsibility

4.1 Kyklos Industrial Group shall maintain sound financial practices, including prudent budgeting, strategic investment, and risk management. The corporation shall strive to generate sustainable revenue streams while maximizing shareholder value and ensuring long-term financial stability.

Section 2: Auditing and Reporting

4.2 The corporation shall conduct regular audits of its financial records and prepare accurate and timely financial reports for shareholders and regulatory authorities. Kyklos Industrial Group shall adhere to industry best practices in accounting and financial reporting.

Article V: Corporate Culture

5.1 Kyklos Industrial Group shall cultivate a corporate culture that values innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. The corporation shall invest in employee development, promote a safe and inclusive work environment, and recognize and reward outstanding performance.

Article VI: Amendment and Ratification

6.1 This Charter may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, provided that such amendments are consistent with the corporation’s mission and objectives. Any amendments shall be ratified in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.