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Knight Squadron / KNIGHTSQ

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Exploration

Honour, valour, and unity in a universe of selfishness and greed.


Knight Squadron was born from a long standing belief among certain UEE forces officers that the UEE is highly vulnerable to corruption and inhibited by an abundance of politicians vying for power rather than principled conduct. As a result, some members of UEE armed forces chose to branch off and form Knight Squadron in order to be able to further more just causes without the authoritarian oversight of the UEE regime. The squadron shares the UEE’s mission to combat the Vanduul threat and pirate groups who threaten the prosperity of life in the verse.

Knight Squadron members use their influence to maintain ties with the UEE (as well as gain intel) but do not fall under UEE command. As a result, the permissibility of Knight Squadron’s existence is a grey area. To date, however, Knight Squadron has generally proved favourable to the UEE due to their campaigns against the Vanduul and their protection of UEE colonies and has avoided persecution by UEE command. The squadron’s political division from the Imperator and the UEE regime poses the potential for future disputes although Knight Squadron prefer to avoid needless conflict. UEE field officers generally tolerate Knight Squadron’s presence and activities. It is not until further up the chain of command that the squadron draws animosity and indignation.

Knight Squadron, as it exists now, is not composed solely of UEE military veterans although some members do hail from the UEE Marines, Navy, Army, and, it is rumoured, the Advocacy. The remaining members are composed of civilians from a wide variety of backgrounds who, for one reason or another, wish to contribute their skills or efforts to the squadron. Although the squadron broadly engages in security and combat activities, it also conducts economic and exploration missions in order to both acquire resources and chart new sectors. Knight Squadron’s military operations are conducted against the Vanduul and pirates. The squadron frequently coordinates with groups who share such an interest in order to create solidarity against such threats.

2952 XenoThreat Encounter
In 2952, in response to terrorist attacks committed by Xenothreat against the UEE and its Citizens, Knight Squadron mobilised to reinforce the CDF to repel Xenothreat forces. A wing of fighters from Knight Squadron escorting a Constellation were able to maintain mobility to protect cargo retrieval efforts from previously ambushed supply convoys. Following the resupply of the UEE flagship, Knight Squadron moved to engage Xenothreat’s capital ships and escorts, aiding in bringing about the end of Xenothreat’s assault and maintaining peace and stability in the verse.

Knight Squadron’s origin and work with the UEE have led to false accusations that Knight Squadron is a UEE Advocacy Black Ops group that attempts to further UEE interests without political accountability. Knight Squadron rejects such claims. Although some members may have previously been involved with the advocacy, the squadron prides itself on its independence and honourable conduct.

Allied/ Affiliated Organizations

The Tempest Guardians


Play Style
Knight Squadron allows participants of all play styles and roles as well as all ship types and activity preferences. There is no regular time commitment for participation in the Squadron and we ask only that you follow the operational principles found in the charter.

Mission Statement
Knight Squadron seeks to protect against and combat the threat posed to civil society by groups such as the Vanduul, pirates, and nefarious criminal organizations. The squadron seeks to ally itself with similarly principled and virtuous groups and to cooperate closely with them in order to attain this goal. Members of Knight Squadron hope to lead a crusade that will, one day, eliminate these menaces and allow for prosperity throughout the universe.

Knight Squadron advocates the benevolent advancement of humanity and and will not participate in efforts by groups that seek to deny or undermine this objective.

Furthermore, Knight Squadron aims to explore uncharted space in the search for intelligence, resources, and technologies that can contribute to its efforts and build its apparatus and influence. Knight Squadron sustains its operations through economic efforts and contract work. Through these efforts Knight Squadron hopes to establish and provide security for trade routes to encourage inter-system integration and interdependence.


Operational Principles
The Squadron attempts to provide a friendly, mature, and enjoyable community experience for Star Citizen. Squadron members wish to explore and discover the universe together and to unite to combat foes. The Squadron does, however, have a strong ethical and political doctrine and requests that members abide by these rules.

1. Knight Squadron will conduct themselves in a mature, respectful, and reasonable manner and will show common decency both to other squadron members and to all non-combatant individuals. Members are representatives of the squadron and will not engage in belligerence and unjustified altercations. The squadron has no place for immaturity.

2. Knight Squadron will not engage in dishonourable or immoral conduct or contract work. Illicit and immoral are not always mutually inclusive but this is to be directed by squadron officers.

3. Knight Squadron will aid and cooperate closely with its allies. Assistance and support will be provided whenever resources and personnel are available. The squadron seeks to foster a reciprocal and mutually beneficial relationship with allied and affiliated groups.

4. The Vanduul are a malicious and dangerous race. The threat they pose to those who cannot defend themselves must be stopped. If a colony, group, or craft is under attack by the Vanduul, knight squadron may mobilize available resources to protect those victims.

5. Knight Squadron may choose to act in the interest of a group that it deems noble and principled but is not bound by any external political oversight. This measure is the reason for the formation of Knight Squadron so as to avoid the influence of easily corrupted and malevolent politicians. The squadron acts entirely independently and may change policy at any time based upon the squadron leaders’ judgements.

6. Although Knight Squadron does not engage in piracy against innocent parties, the squadron will use any and all means of attack, boarding, and appropriation of ships and property against its opponents or aggressors.