Looking for top notch mercenaries with flexible morality? As a small mercenary unit, KaoS Legion will work to extend your organization’s influence and subjugate those who oppose your will.
KaoS Legion was originally established in 1999 as a combination of die hard players from top MechWarrior 3 & 4 merc units. We recently spent a great year and a half re-established as the top unit in MechWarrior Online (MWO) and have made a decision to move on to bigger and way, way better things.
With a few exceptions, KaoS is a tight knit mercenary unit. Our flat command structure allows for a very flexible level of strategy, tactical thinking and execution. Every established active member gains some degree of say in how the team runs, based on their ability, experience, and respect earned. New members have always been expected to contribute to our strategy and success where and when able.
Our team is currently INACTIVE.
The KaoS Legion is a gaming community born out of a long standing tradition of excellence, the modern iteration of a team branching out into a larger community. KaoS Legion has moved from its standing as a top mercenary unit in a single game to an advanced persistent threat to carebear teams around the globe across a multitude of games. We pride ourselves on having great times, high skill, and superior strategy while sticking it to opponents hard.
“If you ladies leave my island, if you ladies survive recruit training, you will be a weapon. A minister of death, praying for war.” – Sergeant Hartman
Entry into KaoS Legion is subject to the discretion of the KaoS leadership and each applicant will be handled on a case by case basis. Upon joining KaoS you will be placed into the organization as an applicant. While there is no set time to how long you will be an applicant, a lot of it comes down to your performance and how well you get along with the rest of the unit. If you do well, you can expect to shoot up into the general KaoS membership. Besides that, if you show aptitude for leadership beyond your own player skill, you could find yourself as a flight
(Disclaimer: Applicants can be terminated at any time, though a reason will be given before said termination)
What we expect from our players:
“Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance”.
Above all else, we expect you to perform well in combat and our whole unit mindset is based on doing the best you can in whatever situation you find yourself in. If you’re in a Hornet, you need to do your job well even with 2 or more fighters pumping you full of rounds. If you’re a M50, you need to make sure you’re doing your best to disrupt their backline while keeping an eye on hostile Interceptors and moving to engage/tackle of necessary. If you’re fire support (besides being a dead-eyed shot), killing the targets called out prior to the engagement by the flight commander and also not over-extending and getting yourself killed is what you need to focus on. We’re not overly serious business. If everyone is doing well, we do joke around a lot in TS.
General Guidelines:
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