chaos gods / KHAINE

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Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

join us https://discord.gg/mbPs2MK


all most everything in here is based off of warhammer

At the dawn of time, the powerful and ancient alien race known only as the Old Ones nurtured some of the primitive intelligent races of the Milky Way Galaxy, guiding their development to suit a specific purpose. The Warp at this time in the vicinity of the galaxy was not the intrinsically hostile place to life it has become in later ages. Once the Necrons arose to challenge them and nearly wrought their extinction because of their alliance with the malevolent Star Gods known as the C’tan, the Old Ones created new psychic warrior races to battle the threat they posed, hoping that these species’ stronger ties to the Warp and potent psychic powers would turn the tide against the Necrons and their C’tan masters in the ancient War in Heaven. One of these races was the ancestors of the Eldar and among the others were the Krork, who may have been the ancestors of the green-skinned Orks.

Just before the birth of the Emperor of Mankind on Terra in the 8th Millennium B.C., three of the major Chaos Gods of the present, Khorne, Tzeentch, and Nurgle, had already begun to take form in the Warp, although it would take until the end of Terra’s European Middle Ages midway through the 2nd Millennium (circa 1400 AD) for them to fully awaken. Slaanesh did not awaken until the 30th Millennium, brought into existence by the terrible collective psychic flaws of the ancient Eldar, with its birth to consciousness in the Warp marking the end of the Eldar’s great interstellar empire and the Age of Strife, as well as the beginning of the Emperor’s Great Crusade and the birth of the Imperium of Man. In truth, time has no meaning within the Empyrean, and from the point of view of the Dark Gods, all four of them are relative newborns — while, at the same time, they have existence since the first mortal woke to sentience in the galaxy tens of millions of Terran years ago.

The rise of Chaos and the first three Chaos Gods seems to correspond to the rapid rise and development of humanity in the Milky Way Galaxy, implying that Mankind, of all the sentient species of the galaxy, was primarily responsible for the disharmonising of the Warp and the birth of the first three Chaos Gods, or at least the major Chaos Gods in their current form. Although, without question, all the sentient species of the Milky Way played a role in the birth of the Chaos Gods, it seems that Mankind has an especially close relationship with Chaos, or that the nature of Mankind’s collective psyche is particularly aggressive, unstable and yes, chaotic.


時間の夜明けでは、唯一、古いものとして知られている強力で、古代のエイリアンのレースは特定の目的に合わせて、その開発を導く、天の川銀河のプリミティブなインテリジェントなレースの一部を育ん。銀河の近傍で、この時点でワープは、後の年齢でとなっている人生の本質敵対所はなかった。 Necronsはそれらに挑戦する起きて、ほぼ期待して、なぜならC’tan 、彼らは脅威と戦うための新しい精神的な戦士の種族を作成し、古いものとして知られている邪悪なスター神々との同盟関係の彼らの絶滅を細工したら、これらの種の関係強化というワープと強力な超能力に天の古代戦争でNecronsとそのC’tan主人に対する流れを変えるだろう。これらのレースの一つは、エルダーのと、とりわけ、祖先は緑色の肌ORKSの祖先であったかもしれKrork 、だった。

それがされるまでかかるだろうが、ちょうど8千年紀紀元前テラ上の人類の天皇の誕生前に、現在の主要なカオス神々の3つが、 Khorneは、ティーンチ、およびナーグルは、すでに、ワープでフォームを取るために始めていた彼らは完全に目覚めさせるための2千年紀( 1400年頃AD)の途中テラのヨーロッパ中世の終わり。スラーネッシュは同様に、エルダーの偉大な星間帝国の終わりとストライフの時代をマーキングワープで意識に誕生して、古代のエルダーの恐ろしい集団的精神的な欠陥によって存在に持ち込ま月30日ミレニアム、まで目覚めなかった皇帝のグレート十字軍と人間の帝国の誕生の始まり。真実では、時間は荘厳な内には意味を持たない、とダーク神の観点から、それらのすべての4つは相対的な新生児は – 、同時に、彼らは存在していながら、最初に死すべきは銀河に知覚力する目が覚めたので、テラン年前の数千万。

カオスと最初の3カオス神々の台頭がその人類、銀河の衆生の種の暗示、天の川銀河の急激な上昇と人類の発展に対応しているようだ、ワープのdisharmonisingを主に担当していましたし、最初の3カオス神々の誕生、またはそれらの現在の形で、少なくとも主要なカオスの神々 。質問なし、天の川の衆生の種がカオス神々の誕生で役割を果たした、けれども、それは人類がカオスと特に密接な関係を持っているようだ、あるいは人類の集合的な精神の本質が不安定、特に攻撃的であることと、はい、混沌とした。


we’re here to do the gods biding. to get a really big fleet and a king ship carrier! INVALID RANK NUMBER CLASSIFIED files

we take pride in being black hand stoans,TONGUE, AOTO, CORELCO’s and atlascorp’s ally. new ones every day

DIVISIONS forum jralg for any leader positions you want
  1. Excommunicate Traitors:: we know everything from xplor movements to xi-an fleet positions {leader}[panda](Nurgle).
    in charge of gathering intelligence
  1. marines:: marines don’t die, they just go to hell and regroup {leader}[hyena-shark](Xietth)
    .in charge of capturing ships and land battles
  1. scouting:: we’re in and out before anyone knows we’re there. {leader}[still working](Deimos) in charge of going ahead and bringing info to command and intelligence
  1. Blackmarket(marketing):: from Idris remains to xi-an scouts you’ll find it here we’ve got it all. {leader}[Re’mugen “Nine” I’Zen](slaanesh) .in charge of selling things and being the face of khaine
  1. command:: you want a fight I’ll get it done, I’ll get you in, I’ll make you win {leader}[jralg](khaine)
    in charge of making people win battles.
  1. exploration:: we’ll chart the universe and give it to you, we’ll clear the path and clear the sky. {leader}[thereal_freelancer](tzeentch) .in charge of exploring
  1. support:: you’ve lost you’re shield, you’re wings are clipped, you need support we’re right behind. {leader}[still working](gnatseath) . in charge of bringing weapons ammo and ship repairs to the front lines
  1. search and destroy:: you want them dead I’ll track them down I’ll bring them here I’ll bring them dead {leader}[still working](khorne) .in charge of bounty hunting killing of remnants after battles and taking out scouts

the 8 gods of chaos and code name’s for division leaders
Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Khorne, Khaine, Xietth, Deimos, Gnatseath.
Change.. Disease. Pleasure. Blood. War Death. Terror.. Famine.


  1. all members are required to pay tribute to the gods (a certain amount of what we bring in goes to the org this is not mandatory )20% or less
  1. all members must treat each other with extreme respect other wise you will be killed (not really but you will be punished)
  1. if you don’t work you don’t eat
  1. always obey someone with higher rank then your own
  1. all members must be nice… when required to
  1. honor and respect you’re brother(sister) and honer and respect you shall receive
  1. have fun

chat rules! keep it clean or get kicked!! no cussing no spamming