Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Kiffer Nation / KFFRNTN

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

We are tired of politics and toxicity, so we are an org for fun and respect not likes views and money. we will dedicate ourselves to helping org members in any way we are capable. We have two rules be respectful and toxicity is an insta-ban. We also have a discord for members to communicate.


This is a sister org to the Kiffer Nation guild Y311AH created in the mobile game Wild Rift. We became a family there because we were like minded in our understanding of the game and the fact that we all were tired of the toxic atmosphere in the public chat. It makes sense that we play other games. New members will become a part of that community. We are small but together we are mighty.


Together we are strong! We will protect each other and those that cannot protect themselves! We might be a bit stoned but we will still get the job done!


1. If you are privy to someone’s personal life IRL this is a privilege and a sign of trust do use or create bias because of that trust.
2. We are not toxic in any public chat we have a discord and there is a channel dedicated to frustrations.
3. We play to play, no streaming for money or joining to take advantage of our members generosity.
4. Respect the decisions of the officers and admin they will be fair.
5. Bring any issues that are sensitive but need to be addressed to our founders and they will handle the issues with respect and as discreetly as necessary.
6. If you invite a friend from another org or game, please ensure they understand the rules and are willing to participate with the group as a whole. we do not want there to become factions and groups of members grief others in this discord or org.
7.there will be some minors allowed in parts of this channel and org. There is room for our sons and daughters if they want to be involved. Please discuss these rules with them first.
8. AFK is ok but if a staff see’s a member AFK they can send them to the AFK channel and when you come back join us in chat.
9. When you see your friends playing in the age restricted channels remember there are young ears and eyes absorbing everything. You don’t always know what the situation is like on the other end. I love my daughters and will be playing while they are around. One of my daughters will be playing and the other is autistic and has echolalia. This means her main form of communication is repeating things she hears or sees. So, while she is verbal most of what she says is from Disney shows she watches or some sort of external source of stimuli. The point is If anyone is in that chat feel free to hang out but have respect. My policy is No Tolerance. violation will be banned and blocked. Plus, my wife is a witch and will cast a spell on you. The channels as of now that are age restricted are the public chat, training room 2, and the next generation lounge is their text chat.