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Jungfaha Group [JungG] / JUNGFAHA

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Transport

[JungG] a place where individuals from around the globe have the opportunity to gather, and enjoy some good clean fun.

Our core values: Love, Honor, Respect, Diligence, Discipline, Moderation, Self-Evaluation, Humility, Meekness, and Reasonableness.



The Jungfaha Group [JungG] has been around since 2012 involved in various aspects of the virtual world. Google Jungfaha Group and Jungfaha Corporation. See what you find.

Overall, we have a reputation of peaceful individuals looking for some adventure, while caring for and trusting our fellow man.


Our intentions? Our Motives? Our Views?

Intentions: Accomplishing many tasks at hand with honest and wholehearted individuals
How?: By following the TEAM code of ethics and treating the Persistent universe as if we truly are living in it. Would you in real life do vile things to your neighbor? Then who are we to do so?

Motives: Well that’s easy… To see our friends smiling, laughing, and enjoying the many accomplishments our team work will bring.

Views: We view peace, love and harmony are essential for a good life.


About the [JungG]©™
The Jungfaha Group [JungG]©™ is a place where people from all over the world have the opportunity to get together, using modern communication tools, and enjoy some good clean fun.

Our core values / Code of Ethics, (Love, Honor, Respect, Diligence, Discipline, Moderation, Self-Evaluation, Humility, Meekness, and Reasonableness) guide us across boundaries that would otherwise divide us. We live by a high moral standard and try our best every day to follow the Code of Ethics. We are always looking for others who share these types of values to join. It isn’t always easy, but if you are patient, persistent, and willing to give it a try, it will be more your team then anything else.

Code Of Ethics

LOVE: Love thy Neighbor; We take care of each other as a family.
HONOR: Have high respect for one another.
RESPECT: Treat others the way you want to be treated; valuing each others points of view.
DILIGENCE: Be careful and persistent in your work & effort.
DISCIPLINE: The practice of training people or self to obey a code of behavior.
MODERATION: The avoidance of excess or extremes, esp. in one’s behavior or political opinions.
SELF-EVALUATION: Think about your actions. Example: “Should I be doing this?”
HUMBLE: Having or showing a modest or low esteem of one’s own importance.
TEAM-ORIENTED: Participate as a, and with the team
COMMUNICATION: To socialize with other members of the [JungG]™.
MEEK: Be teachable, with controlled Strength
IMPARTIAL: Treating all rivals, disputants and judgements equally; Fair and Just.
REASONABLENESS: The state of having good sense and sound judgement.

Code of Conduct / Policies
  • English, French & Japanese are the only permitted languages on the server at this time. Research & understand the [JungG] Regulations.
  • It is recommended that everyone try being ‘Open Minded’, and be Upfront (Frank/Blunt). This allows everyone to communicate better and resolve any issues.
  • Live Streaming & any Recordings: Always request permission from present individuals.
  • DO NOT ever joke or talk about the sexual parts of the human body! Ever!
  • Advertising other discord servers is prohibited
  • No foul language.
  • Follow the Code Be with Honor

`Follow the Code~ Be with Honor~`