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The founder has been known by many names but was nicknamed Grib by his employees. He never disclosed his real name, but company gossip suggested that it was to hide his shady past. Whatever his reasons were when he finally stepped into the CEO role, he was already an experienced professional with years of experience in Mining & Refining, Cargo hauling, Salvage, Repair, Refueling, and Towing. His idea for a company was to combine all of his industrial experience into a company that could provide each of these services and more at a reasonable price. In April of 2963 he founded Jaguar Industrial. Originally Jaguar was considered small, but quickly grew to a size never imagined by its competitors. Whispers suggested that he employed mercenaries and strong-arm tactics to coerce profits, but nobody knew for sure.
In 2964, the company expanded into Space Exploration, Planetary Base and Factory building, Scientific Discoveries, Manufacturing, and eventually even Farming. With the company growing by leaps and bounds it quickly became one of the premier organizations of the universe providing such diverse services as Bounty Hunting, Data Running, Hacking, and even Mercenary work.
Perhaps the organization is best described by its tagline: “Whatever you need us for, we will be there for you!”.
Jaguar Industrial will focus on Industrial Products & Services. We will leverage our experience in each of the industrial professions that we have access to. This will include but not be limited to Salvage, Mining, Refueling, Refining, Cargo, Repair, Towing, Scientific Study, Base & Factory Building, and Farming. We will also have a hidden hand in Bounty Hunting, Piracy, and other criminal pursuits. If there is money to be made, we will make it.
Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.
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