Inferno Legion & Industries / JAVELINORG

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Resources


Information about this organization in terms of gameplay is listed under Manifesto

Join us on Discord!

Learn more about the lore of Inferno Industries under History


With the advent of advanced technology, and efficient engineering dawned the era of space travel. Beginning in the later years of the twentieth century as small trips into orbit, interstellar transport has advanced to something much more. Alien worlds have become accessible to travellers several light years away. In the middle of all this grew Inferno Industries, a private military organization dedicated to commercializing the resources in the dangerous areas of space

Aether Prime
Aether Prime, is the headquarters of Inferno Industries. This behemoth of a facility is located in [REDACTED]. Many of the affairs of Inferno Industries are handled from this centralized location. Aether Prime is a self-sustained settlement, designed specifically to hold massive numbers of employees and mercenaries, the facility boasts a population in the thousands, all cogs in the wheels of the machine that runs the company

Subsidiary companies

Inferno Industries holds a number of subsidiary companies. The major companies that make up Inferno Industries are listed below.

Inferno Guard
The inferno Guard is a security force of offensive and defensive PMC operatives. The force is spread all over different systems guarding important company assets. The bulk of the force is assigned to Aether Prime and makes up most of the facility’s security force.

Inferno Steel
Inferno Steel is one of the largest subsidiaries of Inferno Industries and is engaged in mining, salvage and other resources. The company has its mining assets scattered all over space. Desolate moons, lonely asteroids, barren worlds, Vanduul controlled space ; nothing is left alone by this company.

ISCS Group
The ISCS group also known as the Inferno Supply Chain Solutions Group is an organization focused on transportation and logistics of Inferno Industries. The ISCS possess hundreds of ships transporting thousands of consignments across the galaxy. The company also has its hand on commercial transportation.

Inferno Labs

Inferno Legion
The Inferno Legion is a force of advanced Javelin warships.
Unlike Inferno Guard which is our security force that is tasked in minor peacekeeping, the Inferno Legions main purpose is to protect and defend the assets of Inferno Industries in high threat areas of space as well as assisting the UEE and other various organizations. The fleet is well funded and very highly advanced. Fuel efficient, well crewed and armed to the teeth, a single Javelin is a threat to all ships alike

The Javelin

The Javelin is a destroyer utilized by the United Empire of Earth Navy (UEEN). Designed by Aegis Dynamics as a modular spacecraft, the UEEN could make major conversions to the Javelin for different roles rather than constructing individual specialized capital ships. Javelins are used as convoy escorts, fleet support, orbital fire suppression, reconnaissance in force, and fast interception missions. Surplus Javelins have been sold on the civilian market. The ship features a total of five decks, each with a variety of crew positions and areas to explore and utilize.


The Javelin’s heavily armored bridge looks out over the rest of the ship’s superstructure. Centered around a fleet-class command-and-control interface, the bridge allows a dozen crewman to have full run of both the destroyer’s facilities and eye-on awareness of its deep space environs. Bridge positions include captain, executive officer, communications, weapons, radar, helm and science positions. The bridge is surrounded by escape pods designed to allow the entire command team to make a quick egress should the worst happen. These escape pods, which can be found throughout the ship, are designed to carry five crew each. These escape pods are military-spec, oriented for easy retrieval by unladen Argo transport ships.

The Javelin’s Top Deck, also known as ‘officer country,’ is home to quarters for the ship’s captain and executive officer, with all the comforts of home. The prime attraction of the Top Deck is six modular rooms and the upper hangar (used for smaller launches or cargo.) Aegis Dynamics produces an array of battle-oriented room modules which can easily be slotted in and out of place while the Javelin is on orbit; a number of other manufacturers are now creating aftermarket modules for civilian roles such like science and cartography. Additional escape pods for officers are present on the top deck. Javelin isn’t just a name; the ship’s internal layout philosophy is based around long, straight ‘javelin’ corridors. Right angle turns are used almost exclusively to connect to more long, straight corridors, giving the ship an overall cramped but stretched feel.

Mid-Deck aboard a Javelin is where the real work happens. It includes access to two torpedo bays and six turret emplacements, giving the ship both offensive and defensive capabilities. The Javelin’s engine column is located here, and the Navy advises that it be staffed at all times for optimal performance. Onboard communications connects the engine column directly to the command stations on the bridge. Two of the modular component rooms can be slotted on to the mid-deck. The ship’s left flank includes access to the hangar, medical bay and brig, while the right flank includes two sets of crew quarters, showers, toilets and the mess hall. Mid-deck also includes escape pods. Each deck is given a specific function and in the case of the mid-deck, divided laterally with crew habitation and functions placed on the right and military functions on the left. The sub-decks are reserved for engineering and turret access with their cramped, dimly lit corridors reflecting their utilitarian maintenance purpose.

The Javelin’s bottom deck includes six dedicated cargo rooms, two engineering facilities and access to the engine column. From the engine column, crew can access two STS turrets and four of the modular component rooms. The Javelin’s main hangar is also located in this area. While smaller than a dedicated carrier’s hangar, the Javelin can still accommodate a limited number of individual spacecraft. The hangar is primarily designed to deploy a single Aegis Redeemer gunship and a crew of Marines for boarding operations, but other ship types can also be stored. A chart of existing types is attached.

The Javelin has a pair of sub-decks with access to additional functionality. Sub-Deck 1 provides access to two modular component rooms, while Sub-Deck 2 features three Class 6 ATA turret emplacements and a maintenance EVA airlock. The Sub-Decks are the area most exposed to space, and are the best place to assign junior organization members. The ship’s six-total swappable ‘customizable rooms’ make the base Javelin a chassis that can be customized for different roles by switching these rooms. Although first and foremost a combat focused ship, this flexibility has allowed the Javelin to serve well beyond the life expectancy of other ships of its age.







Cargo Capacity

Min Crew

Max Crew


4 size 4

4 size 4

Shield Generators
4 size 4


2 STS remote turret each with 4 size 9 laser cannons

6 ATA manned turret each with 2 size 7 ballistic cannons & 2 size 4 ballistic gattlings

7 ATA manned turret each with 2 size 7 laser cannons

2 desolator anti-capital ship torpedo launcher with 32 size 12 torpedo’s.


Welcome to Inferno Industries!

So, what does this organization do? Well, that depends what section of the organization you are joining. There are two kinds of section here in this organization. We have one section that focuses on multi-gameplay which focuses on all types of gameplays such as trading, mining, combat etc and is more suited for casual players or players that would like to try out our organization. The other section is suited for more serious players that are interested in multi-crew gameplay in a large capital ship. That section is a fleet called Inferno Legion which is in terms of lore a subsidiary company of Inferno Industries. The Inferno Legion is a fleet dedicated on creating and crewing a fleet of Destroyers.

If you’re a casual player interested in the various gameplays star citizen has to offer or someone looking to try out different orgs then feel free to join the multi-gameplay section.

If you’re interested in serious multi-crew gameplay on a large ship, then joining The Inferno Legion fleet is in your best interest

You’re considered a member of Inferno Industries by joining any of those section. You can join our organization by simply joining our discord:

How to join the Inferno Legion and how it works

In order to join the Inferno Legion which is our Javelin fleet as previously mentioned you will need to go to our fleet-enlistment channel in our discord server. There you will find a google slide presentation that will tell you everything you will need to know about our fleet. After reading the presentation you will need to answer a small series of questions and statements to get accepted into our fleet. We aren’t super strict but we would also like for players to understand what they’re getting themselves into. You can also simply read the presentation and form without answering the questions/statements to see if the fleet is for you.


General rules:
- No discrimination of any kind
- No harassment

Discord rules:
- No spamming excessively
- No advertising without permission & reason
- No sexual content. Dark humour and sexual jokes can only be posted in shitposts (no explicit pictures though!)
- Anything off topic most be posted in the ‘‘off topic’‘ channel!

In-game rules:
- Do not betray fellow org members
- No griefing or any kind of interruption to our events
- Do not reveal other players of our event location which increases the risk of griefers and trolls

*Breaking these rules can result in one of the followings: *
1. Warning
2. Kick
3. Ban

Of course there are other obvious rules but we will most likely warn you first if you happen to break them


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