Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Jacks Of All Trades / JACKSOFALL

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Why commit yourself to one distinct activity in the verse? There is a ton of things the verse has to offer and we like to take part in a lil’ bit of everything. We welcome all, new and veteran players, to come and explore, rescue others, scavenge, salvage, mine, race, hunt and even be hunted!


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Jacks of all Trades is meant to encourage our members to be just that, a jack-of-all-trades. It allows for our members to enjoy the Verse and all it offers with like-minded individuals. Our members don’t just enjoy one avenue of the Star Citizen Universe, but rather, the game in most of its entirety.

We recognize that Star Citizen is a work-in-progress, and it is our goal to ensure our organization
and its members can grow alongside it. As new roles, jobs, and ships become available, our members find enjoyment and fulfillment throughout the games diversity.

We have multiple ship pledges within the Org that will cater to a wide variety of players and objectives,
but our primary directive is to have fun and enjoy the verse in an environment that can appeal to
both the casual and the dedicated player alike.

Our primary focus as an Organization is to enjoy the world together. As such, it does not matter if you prefer mining, salvaging, medical rescue, bounty hunting, or exploring the verse. The Verse can be a dangerous place, especially as Pirating becomes more profitable. Which is why most of us have left the solo gameplay behind. If you are tired of being alone in the Verse, and are looking for someone to share in the adventures with, know that you are welcome with the Jacks of all Trades.

Lets enjoy the universe together!


Currently, we have several players within the Jacks of all Trades with a variety of pledges to take part in Mining, Hauling, Salvaging, Bounty Hunting, Medical Rescue, and Exploring. We’re dedicated to helping everyone who partakes in the adventure with aUEC to get their desired ship and to help the cause.

Jacks of all Trades has a zero-tolerance policy on griefers and bigotry. There is enough negativity in the world, we will do our part to keep it out of the Verse,

Jacks of all Trades has a variety of members who work day shift, night shift, and graveyard; you can find someone on almost 24/7. The majority of our membership is in the USA and Canada, but we have no specified time zone requirement for most activities.

While our Organization is designed for the casual gamer, we have a wide variety of experience in the game from brand new to veteran. We encourage RP with members who enjoy immersion and encourage those who do to reach out, including other Orgs! We have no time commitment for the game. Play when you can play, and enjoy being around others while you do.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact to our members or fill out an application today! come back for updated information.