Welcome to the official website of the Unitary Defense Force. We are milsim and social oriented gaming organization. The UDF operates primarily on Halo and Star Citizen.
This is a milsim and role-play oriented gaming organization based on the original Lore named The Praelium Universe. Praelium has created alongside the unitary defense force in the year 2016. The first generation of the Unitary Defense Force provided a dynamic and immersive experience for members. As live events were hosted, the timeline of Praelium would unfold and sometimes even change. This tradition and commitment to immersion and the Praelium Universe continue on in the Next Chapter.
The Unitary Defense Fleet places integrity, respect, and commitment at the forefront of individual development. While there are member obligations and due processes, dedication is important we place emphasis on member priorities; The Unitary Fleet is not a life priority but rather a change to decompress from life’s stresses. The Unitary Fleet is intended to be a group where members, allies, and guests alike can come together and enjoy the game.
The 23rd Delta aims to provide immersive game content for players of the Verse to enjoy and at times endure! Star Citizen is a challenging and immersive zone where time investment is a common denominator when completing most collective and individual goals and operations. Objectives/goals of any operation common ground and all efforts contribute to the organization as a whole. The 23rd Delta aspires to become an organization that is well-rounded in all lawful activities with the positioning of collectivism. Members who are inducted are granted an income, membership benefits, support, and protection; Setting all members up for success to collaboratively achieve goals. The primary goal of the UDF is to provide embrace a milsim environment where there is professionalism and maturity. At the end of the day, we all want to enjoy the game. Assume whatever roles you wish within the org and take in whatever you find most enjoyable in the Verse.
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The 23DS Invictus
Ship: Carrack
Type: Expeditionary Command Ship
Unit: 23rd Delta Command
Positioning: Versatile/All Operations/Mobile Command and Staging
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The 23DS Mama Bird
Ship: Hercules
Type: Transport and Combat Support
Unit: Mama Bird Element (Ship)
Positioning: Versatile/All Operations/Local Command
Support Ships/Vehicles:
Ground vehicles vary in types of operations
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Types of Offenses:
1. Activity and Leave
2. Conduct Unbecoming a UDF Personnel
3. Improper use of Technical Resources (Discord Server, etc…)
4. Discourtesy (Disrespectful Behavior) for example, rude, unmannerly, impolite acts; Rude, impolite acts or remarks; disrespectful, inappropriate, offensive, or abusive language or gestures; or similar misconduct.
5. Discrimination based on race, skin color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability, political affiliation, marital status, genetic information, or other impermissible bases.
6. Failure to Follow Directives, Instructions, Orders, Procedures, Regulations, or Rules (Oral or Written).
7. Breach of security regulations or practices
8. Falsification and False Statements
9. Insubordination
10. Neglect or Careless Performance; Inattention to Duty, Mission Objective, and Task at hand.
11. Fighting or Creating a Disturbance
12. Uniform/Equipment Violation