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Fortune's Irregulars / IRREGULARS

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

The BEST sanctioned mercenary corporation in the ‘verse. Whether we are delivering your cargo, escorting your VIP’s or removing an unwanted pest from your radar, we guarantee to get the job done.


Fortune’s Irregulars was originally established in 2944 by a brother and sister duo. With a vision in mind, the two set out to create a Private Military Corps. that could encompass all aspects of daily life, offering help to those in need no matter what the job may be. Soon the Corps. had grown in numbers as well as strength, allowing it to reach far into the verse and begin larger scale operations only suited to larger, more grounded militias and corporations.

With the Vanduul war raging in the distant stars and the war at home becoming an ever increasing threat, Fortune’s Irregulars began to be spread thin. Fleets were being deployed to the front lines, back waters and even the rooted seats of the empire, such as sol. With the onset of the Xenothreat invasion of 2951, and the siege of Orison, Fortune’s Irregulars was quickly recognized and sanctioned by the UEE as an official military corporation.

With the UEE’s backing, Fortune’s Irregulars formed into a formal corporation and the command fleet was temporarily relocated to Stanton. From here it delegates tasks to its many divisions throughout the verse whilst lobbying the major corporations for more backing, offering it’s support, services and considerable firepower in return.


Us at a glance:
As a now-formal corporation sanctioned and endorsed by the UEE, Fortune’s Irregulars can offer many services other corporations cannot. This allows our organization to act with freedom, allowing our members to choose the paths they want to take and earn upward mobility in a field they enjoy.

As a sanctioned, mercenary organization we offer our employee’s many benefits. Flexible working hours, the ability to change internal positions when required as well as company perks such as product discounts! If your looking for a new career, new friends or maybe even a new home, carry on reading and see what Fortune’s Irregulars can do for you.

Our services include, but are not limited to:
  • Mercenary Work
    Bounty Hunting
    CDO (Civilian Defense Operations)
    Resource Acquisition (Mining, Cargo etc.)
    Trauma Team Deployment
    Search and Rescue
    VIP Transport
    Private Investigation

As well as various utility roles! Each one of our divisions is headed by the best the ‘verse can offer. With a modular leadership team, communication is always constant so you will always know where you are needed next.

Who are we looking for? Do you fit the bill?
Fortune’s Irregulars doesn’t discriminate when it comes to who you are. Whether you’re looking for casual employment that you can do in your own time, or whether you want to ferociously work your way up the corporate ladder – we have a position for you! We are always on the lookout for new recruits, and as long as you adhere to our corporate charter we would love to hear from you and potentially offer you a position, whether that be part time or full time.



Our corporate charter is simple. Stick to it and you will have a home that supports you for years to come.

1. Keep it friendly.
All corporate members must act with professional dignity in and around other members, and especially to people outside of our organization.

2. All applicants must have applied on the RSI website.
Feel free to join discord to nudge a Director that you’ve applied to join. You’ll be given a role in discord once you’ve been accepted

3. Hate speech will not be tolerated.
This should be a given – but if any our members are caught touting any form of hate speech, they will be removed from our organization.

4. Use Discord to keep up with any and all Irregulars activity.
Discord is how we keep track of our members, and reward any earnt merits! If you want to fly with us, make sure you have your comms on so we can reach you and keep you updated. You can find our comm server here

5. Please make sure that your Discord nickname is the same as your in-game name. This makes it easier for people to add you in-game! (You don’t have to change your discord name, only your nickname within the server).

6. Actively guide those in need.
We actively seek to guide new players in the ‘verse – we were all there once. Bonus points if you can get them started and recruit them!

7. Community members must be at least 18 years of age.
Star Citizen is a mature universe – our themes and topics are also mature. Please make sure you are at least 18 years of age before joining.

8. Have a good sense of humor.
The ‘verse is dark and filled with terrors. Laugh at them. No, seriously, your going to need a sense of humor if you want to survive out there!