Iron Pony Merc Corp – Providing mercenary services at reasonable prices.
Iron Pony Merc Corp was officially launched on October 10, 2014.
While the organization existed for a few months before the official launch it was originally intended to be a sort of “alt organization” made of members from another organization. Plans changed and it was decided that Iron Pony Merc Corp would become a new Star Citizen pony group independent of other organizations.
We invite potential recruits to find out more about Iron Pony Merc Corp. We are looking for new members who want to help us build our organization and be a part of our history from the start.
We are committed long term to playing Star Citizen as our official primary game and are looking for new members who are interested in joining us for the long term. As of May 07, 2015 we are adding a secondary official game (currently in development) that members can play with us in the future – Starfighter Inc. More info can be found at We believe these 2 space games can be supported by our group in a way that will give us a stronger presence in both games.
Iron Pony Merc Corp is a Star Citizen pony group interested in building a more serious organization that is focused on having fun while getting results. We have a mix of players ranging from casual to hardcore and share the common goals of being the best pilots we can be and having fun at the same time. We are looking for pilots who have an interest in improving their skills and taking on challenging missions as a group. We accept applicants ranging from casual to hardcore, PvP to PvE and any role that can be found within Star Citizen. We plan to keep the “small company” feel even as we grow and have no interest in getting so large that most members don’t know each other because that just isn’t fun.
While the majority of our members are interested in ponies we do not require members to like ponies but applicants should be aware we do tend to talk about them. We ask that applicants be at least neutral towards ponies, if you hate ponies you probably aren’t going to fit in.
Our official alignment is going to be on the UEE side of neutral. This means most of our activities will fall into the “lawful category” but at times our members may choose to take jobs that could be considered “unlawful”. We do not restrict the activities of our members but we may not always be able to help if a member chooses to be totally unlawful and ends up being attacked by PC’s or NPC’s we have friendly relations with. If you want to be a pirate for example we do allow it but it’s at your own risk.
We will not require any set activity time, it is up to each member to decide how often they play Star Citizen with us. We hope most members will be active but sometimes real life does not allow this and we understand.
We will follow a traditional command structure for official organization activities. Participation in official activities is optional but we encourage all members to join the fun.
What roles are we looking for?
We are looking for all types of roles including roles not listed below. The highest priority roles are:
Fighter pilots
Multi-crew ship pilots
Fleet commanders
Cargo ship pilots
Support ship pilots
We are not an exclusive organization meaning we do allow members to hold affiliate status in other orgs but we do ask that full members keep Iron Pony Merc Corp as their main organization. We understand the benefits of making friends with other organizations and want to encourage this as long as these relations are not damaging to Iron Pony Merc Corp or any other organizations we are friends with.
Potential applicants should visit our site at to fill out the application form. We also have a short affiliate request form on our site. Submitting an application only on the RSI site will not complete the process, an application only needs to be filled out on our official site.
Unhappy with your current org and want to complete our application process before leaving your current org? Select yes on question 8 when filling out the application form and ask about a confidential application in the text box. We’ll leave you tagged as just a regular user until the process is complete to allow applicants to know the results of their application before leaving their current org.
Iron Pony Merc Corp is interested in maintaining a professional reputation in the Star Citizen universe and community. We do not allow the use of game exploits, hacks, 3rd party programs that automate gameplay such as aimbots or any other form of cheating. We expect any member who does discover a bug or exploit during the process of playing Star Citizen to follow the process to report the bug to CIG and to not abuse the bug or exploit. Iron Pony Merc Corp does not tolerate cheating in any form and any member caught cheating or abusing bugs/exploits can expect to be punished.
We do allow the use of programs such as Voice Attack and of course devices that have macro functions as long as they fall within the limits of what CIG allows.
We want all members to enjoy being a part of Iron Pony Merc Corp. Act in a professional manner and don’t cheat.
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