Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!



  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Piracy
  • Piracy


Grab a gun, you’re going in first.

History (Advert) | Manifesto (Who we Are) | Charter (Our Goals)


Welcome to the crew, we needed another replacement recruit.

We’ve got haulers to BOARD, ships to CHOP-SHOP, cargo traders to SNARE, and upstarts to be PUT IN THE DIRT – so get involved, you’re going to be getting your hands dirty sooner than you realize.

There’s no sitting idle in this crew, you’re either cracking skulls or practicing. We gotta stay sharp because we don’t let a hit go, no matter who intervenes. We pride ourselves on being the most LETHAL Pirate Crew in Star Citizen, and we put in the work to show it.

  • Die quietly, nobody likes a screamer.
  • No shooting your friends, we’re already short on those.
  • Keep your word, repeat customers are the most generous.
  • And be a team player, I get tired of digging individual graves.

Just remember,

Only Leave Bare Metal



                               WHO WE ARE


IronPoint is a competitive Pirate Organization

  • Is the most Lethal Pirate Org in Star Citizen.
  • Teaches Dogfighting, Piracy, Multicrewing, and Chop-shop Economics
  • Doesn’t have leaching members, everyone puts in the effort to better their friends and the org..
  • #5 org in Squadron Battle Leaderboards in 3.24
  • Over 800 Pirate Hits in 2024
  • Over 3bil aUEC stolen in 2024
What you get:
  • A group culture of respect and help.
  • Excellent training opportunities and potential for growth.
  • A place for any type of gameplay – as long as you learn how to be a Pirate first.
  • An org with an eye on the future.



                   G O A L S _ P H I L O S O P H Y



ENDGAME CONTENT: IronPoint aims to reach endgame content and be a contender on the grand stage, once that materializes into a reality within Star Citizen.
THE BEST PIRATE ORG: IronPoint strives to be the best pirate crew both new, and into the far future. We accomplish this through teaching crew members how to be proficient in all manners of gameplay, and to give them the keys of creativity to problem solving.


We are jacks-of-all-trades. Piracy encompasses so many different gameplay loops, and crew that are good at them all make exceptionally reliable team members. Dogfighting, Boarding, Cargo Hauling, Scraping, and many other loops are important to us to know and understand.
We are professionals, calm and concise. We don’t let our anger or frustration get the better of us, and we let our actions speak for us. Keeping our word is important, especially to a victim. Deceit is fair game to a point, but if you agree to let someone go for a price then let them go.
We are good team members. Listening, following, patience, flexibility, and taking charge are all important qualities. We do what the team needs, and take charge of the teams we run.