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Intergalactic ONYX / IONYX

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome to our official Spectrum channel. Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.


IONYX was founded in 2949 by the descendants of those who had to vacate the Orion System due to the Vanduul attacks. Waking up unsure of how they ended up at Port Olisar with nothing but a ship to get them off to a new beginning in the verse. They were eager to earn a living as a miners & traders but found this to be extremely difficult with there being so many out there who would try anything to make them fail. One failed attempt after another the frustration built up and once they were able to earn enough, they built the fleet that would allow them to explore, earn, and protect. They knew it was time to fight back and make sure that no one end up in the same position of not knowing where they fit or where they are going to end up. They were not the most lawful but they only did what they had to do in order to survive.

The IONXY Goal:

Enhance our lifestyle to the life of luxury while providing support to those in need.


• Mining
• Trading (cargo)
• Bounty hunting
• Security (protection)
• Exploration (locate & Selling Nav)
• Verse missions

Captains Fleet

• Polaris-HQ
• Carrack-HQ
• Endeavor
• Caterpillar
• Cutlass Black
• Vanguard Warden
• Prospector
• Ranger (TR,CV,RC)
• Pisces
• Merlin
• DragonFly
• Rover


The Org HQs will be the Polaris for any possible protection of IONYX members and or other orgs. Secondly the Carrack for any expeditions and navigation through any uncharted territories. I encourage anyone who is looking to enjoy themselves and earn their ships to join so we can help provide an easier path with ships that can get you where you need to go at a much smoother pace.

When applying to be a part of IONYX remember that our aim is to earn for the success of our Org and its members, while enjoying the fun and beauty of the verse.

Just as a reminder as the verse changes with new technology and upgrades so will we.

Membership Expenses

To make it possible for us to provide better accommodations for the members of IONYX. We ask that you provide 15% of your Ops earnings that will go to the org bank, this will act as our org insurance to help pay for any unfortunate acts that happen to members. This could range from small, ship rental loans, armor, weapons and more.

IONYX will have your back, no matter the situation.


We stand as one, alone we are vulnerable but together we are Unstoppable.

Always Take care of those in need, you never know when you will need Karma on your side.

We will work towards a life in the Verse that allows us to explore and excel as carefree as possible.

No vanduul, Banu or pirate will be able to stop our ventures.


Don’t do anything that would cause any interruptions in the orgs progress.

We are a lawful Org until attacked, then we are free to do what needs to be done and will settle the consequences later.

We do not target citizens in small ships unless provoked, there’s no need to ruin someone’s adventure.
If you run into criminal by all means go and liberate them.