Damask Holdings / INTERCORP

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Social
  • Trading

Everything has a price-tag



Damask Holdings is an exclusive club for citizens who share one single passion, collectibles. By forming a small network of specific dealers and collectors you will find it easier to buy and sell those exclusive valuables.


This organization is for citizens whose goal is to expand their collections of life forms, artefacts, ships, decorations etc.. If you are a collector, perfectionist, completionist or a specific dealer, this club is for you!


In this club you will be set in a specific rank, your personal goal determines in which rank you will be set. When the divisions feature will be released (org drop 2 or 3), everyone will be divided in divisions depending on their goal. Ranks will be decided on your dedication and trustworthiness. See charter for more information regarding the division and ranking system.


Constitution Damask Holdings

Article I – Name
This organization will be known as Damask Holdings.

Article II – Purpose
The purpose of the Damask Holdings is to:
A. Form a social club for like minded citizens, known as collectors.
B. Form a network with other organizations who can benefit us.

Article III – Responsibilities of our members
A. Treat fellow members of Damask Holdings with respect.
B. Do not backstab any of your fellow members for any personal good.
C. Maintain an attitude of cooperation, not competition.

Article IV – Staff
The duties and responsibilities of our overseers will be as follows:
A. Maintain order in Damask Holdings.
B. Maintain our chat, forum and club page.

Article V – Roles
Section I. Executive director
A. Leader and owner of Damask Holdings.
B. Makes decisions after consulting overseers.

Section II. Communications
A. Find potential collectors for Damask Holdings.
B. Consider applications for Damask Holdings.
C. Expel collectors when needed (after consulting overseers).
D. Maintain relationships with other organizations.

Section III. Operations
A. – Open for new role.

Section IV. Science and Technology
A. – Open for new role.

Article VI – Ranks and Divisions
(This system will introduced when the divisions feature will be released)
Section I. Divisions
A. Captain. Leader and officers.
B. All-round collectors. Borderless collectors, they want everything.
C. Ship collectors. Collectors who strive to own each ship variant.
D. Life-forms collectors. Fish and other life-forms collector.
E. Artefacts collectors. Collectors who fancy Tevarin, Hadesian or other alien artefacts.
F. Decorations collectors. Ship models, trophies, posters, you name it, these guys want it all.
G. Dealers. These guys are no collectors but members of exploration, salvage, trading or other organizations who may come in handy when finding certain collectibles.

Section II. Ranks
Ranks will be based on dedication and trustworthiness. The bigger your collection, knowledge, activity and list of successful trades, the higher rank you will achieve.
A. Rank 5 – Grand-master
B. Rank 4 – Senior-master
C. Rank 3 – Master
D. Rank 2 – Expert
E. Rank 1 – Apprentice
F. Rank 0 – Novice