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Intel Nexus for Ops, Recon, and Monitoring / INFORM

  • Corporation
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  • Exploration
  • Resources

Multi Organizations Group

EN – FR – DE

INFORM: Bridging intelligence and resource mastery for our clients, allies, and stakeholders across the Verse.”

“Empowering the Verse, One Connection at a Time.”


Origins and Foundation

In the year 2946, amid the swirling nebulae and the cold expanse of space that humanity had come to call home, a new entity was born into the universe of Star Citizen. This was INFORM, not just another organization but a vision brought to life by a distinguished collective of former UEE intelligence officers, celebrated strategists, and unsung heroes of resource management. These pioneers, having witnessed firsthand the fragmented approach to intelligence and operations across the Verse, sought to establish a nexus of unparalleled coordination and insight. They envisioned INFORM as a guiding light across the cosmos, a network that could weave through the fabric of space, ensuring security and strategic supremacy with a mastery over intelligence and resource stewardship unlike any before.

Early Years and Growth

The nascent days of INFORM were marked by an air of skepticism that hung as thick as the atmospheres of Gas Giants. The organization’s ambitious mandate to redefine intelligence and operations within the complex socio-political landscape of the Verse was met with cautious circumspection by the entrenched powers. However, resilience in the face of adversity is what defines pioneers. INFORM’s watershed moment arrived when it adeptly navigated the treacherous waters of a resource conflict on the outskirts of Banu territory. With a blend of shrewd intelligence gathering and diplomatic finesse, INFORM not only resolved the dispute but also brokered a peace that would herald its emergence as a formidable entity in the Verse. This triumph was a testament to INFORM’s capacity to bridge divides and forge alliances, placing it firmly on the star map as a force of reckoning.

Expansion and Diversification

Fueled by its early success, INFORM embarked on a trajectory of expansion that saw its influence stretch across the stars. The organization diversified its operations, venturing into realms as varied as covert operations deep in Vanduul space, strategic negotiations within the bustling markets of the Banu, and safeguarding critical UEE interests against emerging threats. Alongside its operational prowess, INFORM committed itself to the vanguard of technological innovation, crafting systems and tools that pushed the boundaries of what was possible in intelligence gathering, data security, and communications. These advancements were not just tools of the trade but symbols of INFORM’s enduring commitment to excellence and innovation.

Key Milestones and Achievements

As INFORM’s shadow grew longer across the galaxy, its endeavors did not go unnoticed. A defining moment came when it thwarted an insidious plot by a shadowy cabal that threatened the very fabric of UEE space. This victory was a clarion call across the Verse, showcasing INFORM’s indispensable role in preserving the delicate balance of peace and power. The organization’s ability to navigate the complex web of galactic politics and forge strategic alliances further cemented its status as a linchpin in the ongoing saga of the Star Citizen universe.

Modern Era and Future Outlook

Today, INFORM stands as a beacon of intelligence, strategy, and unity. With operatives and assets deployed across key sectors of the Verse, the organization continues to uphold its founding principles, safeguarding the future of humanity among the stars. As it looks to the horizon, INFORM remains committed to pioneering new frontiers in technology, deepening its alliances, and venturing into the unknown, driven by the unwavering belief in a unified, secure, and prosperous Verse.

Legacy and Cultural Impact

INFORM’s legacy extends beyond its strategic achievements, having woven itself into the cultural fabric of the Verse. It stands as a testament to the power of unity and strategic foresight, inspiring countless across the galaxy. Through its educational initiatives, INFORM nurtures the next generation of leaders and visionaries, ensuring that the light it has kindled will continue to illuminate the path forward for all who navigate the vast and wondrous expanse of the Star Citizen universe.


Our Purpose:

INFORM, the Intelligence Nexus for Ops, Recon, and Monitoring, is dedicated to mastering the complexities of the Verse. Our mission is to ensure the security and prosperity of our allies by providing superior intelligence, executing meticulous operations, and managing resources strategically. We empower our clients with the intelligence network needed to navigate their challenges and seize opportunities for advancement.

Our Vision:

To be the unseen hand that guides the stars, shaping the destiny of the Verse with wisdom, foresight, and integrity. We envision a galaxy where information empowers action, where resources are managed with equity and foresight, and where operations are conducted with precision and ethical consideration.

Our Values:

  1. Integrity: In all our dealings, both within and beyond our organization, we uphold the highest standards of honesty and ethical conduct.
  2. Unity: We believe in the strength of collaboration, working hand in hand with diverse entities across the Verse to achieve common goals.
  3. Adaptability: In the face of the Verse’s ever-changing dynamics, we remain fluid, ready to evolve our strategies and operations to meet the future head-on.
  4. Excellence: We strive for perfection in every mission, every analysis, and every negotiation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
  5. Respect: We approach all cultures, civilizations, and individuals with the utmost respect, valuing the diversity that makes the Verse vibrant.

Our Commitment:

  1. To Our Allies: We pledge unwavering support, providing you with the intelligence and resources needed to navigate your challenges and seize your opportunities.
  2. To Our People: We promise a culture of growth, respect, and integrity, where every member can thrive and contribute to our shared mission.
  3. To The Verse: We dedicate ourselves to the greater good, ensuring that our actions contribute to a stable, prosperous, and harmonious galaxy.

Our Approach:

  1. In Intelligence We Trust: Information is the foundation of our strategy. We gather, analyze, and act upon intelligence with unmatched precision, ensuring that we are always several steps ahead.
  2. Operational Excellence: Through meticulous planning and flawless execution, we conduct operations that reinforce our objectives and uphold our principles.
  3. Resource Stewardship: We manage and allocate resources with an eye towards sustainability, equity, and strategic advantage, ensuring that our operations and our allies are well-supported.
  4. Strategic Diplomacy: We engage in diplomacy with tact and foresight, building alliances and negotiating outcomes that further our vision for the Verse.

Our Promise:

To our clients and allies, we pledge our unwavering support and commitment. Through INFORM, you gain access to a network of intelligence that is comprehensive, strategic, and tailored to ensure your success and prosperity in the Verse.

Together, as INFORM, we stand ready to face the challenges of the Verse, turning information into power, challenges into opportunities, and visions into reality.


INFORM Charter


INFORM, the Intelligence Nexus for Ops, Recon, and Monitoring, embodies the convergence of intelligence, operational support, and resource management. This charter outlines our governance, principles, and organizational structure, guiding our mission to support our allies and clients across the Verse.

Article I: Mission and Objectives

  1. To gather, analyze, and utilize intelligence for the strategic advantage of INFORM and its allies.
  2. To manage resources efficiently, ensuring their optimal allocation and utilization for the benefit of its clients, stakeholders and allies.
  3. To conduct operations with precision and ethical consideration, upholding the security and interests of our allies.
  4. To engage in diplomacy and strategic negotiations, fostering alliances, and promoting stability across the Verse.

Article II: Values and Ethics

INFORM commits to operating under the highest standards of ethical conduct, guided by our core values of integrity, unity, adaptability, excellence, and respect. All members and operations shall adhere to these values, ensuring that our actions contribute positively to the Verse.

Article III: Membership

  1. Eligibility: Membership is open to individuals who demonstrate excellence in their field, commitment to our values, and a willingness to contribute to our mission.
  2. Rights and Responsibilities: Members have the right to participate in INFORM’s activities, access resources, and benefit from the network’s support. They are responsible for upholding INFORM’s values, contributing to its mission, and respecting the confidentiality and ethical guidelines of the organization.
  3. Development and Advancement: INFORM is committed to the continuous development of its members, offering opportunities for training, advancement, and leadership roles within the organization.

Article IV: Organizational Structure

  1. High Command: The highest governing body, responsible for strategic decisions, oversight of operations, and resource allocation.
  2. Divisions: INFORM is organized into specialized divisions, each focusing on key areas such as intelligence, operations, resource management, and diplomacy. Each division is led by a Director who oversees its activities and reports to the High Command.
  3. Operational Teams: Within divisions, operational teams carry out specific missions, guided by the strategic objectives and values of INFORM.

Article V: Operations and Conduct

  1. Operational Guidelines: All operations shall be conducted in accordance with INFORM’s mission, ethical standards, and the laws of the Verse. Operational planning shall prioritize the safety of members and allies, and the security of information.
  2. Conduct: Members are expected to conduct themselves professionally, respecting the diversity and sovereignty of entities within the Verse. Unethical behavior, including corruption, espionage against allies, or actions that harm innocent parties, is strictly prohibited.

Article VI: Accountability and Governance

  1. Transparency and Accountability: High Command is accountable to the members of INFORM, providing regular updates on the organization’s activities, financial health, and strategic direction.
  2. Conflict Resolution: INFORM shall establish mechanisms for conflict resolution, ensuring that disputes within the organization or with external parties are resolved fairly and in accordance with our values.

Article VII: Amendments and Ratification

This charter may be amended to reflect the evolving needs and objectives of INFORM. Amendments must be proposed by High Command and ratified by a majority vote of the membership.

Article VIII: Ratification

This charter is ratified by the founding members of INFORM and shall come into effect immediately, guiding the organization in its mission to navigate the complexities of the Verse for the greater good.