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Vaderbators / IMPSIMPS

  • Faith
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Were the Jedi heroes or terrorists? If you said terrorists, you’re at the right place. Those bomb dropping, sister kissing, womp rat killing narcissists heartlessly murdered thousands of innocent people doing their jobs for the good of the galaxy. Down with those dress wearing freaks! #Vader4lyfe


Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, the Galactic Empire emerged from the ashes of the Republic, as a force for order and stability. Under the wise and benevolent leadership of Lord Vader, the Empire pursued a vision of peace, unity, and prosperity for all.

Lord Vader’s vision included sweeping reforms to eliminate corruption within the Senate, boost the economy, and invest in infrastructure and technology. The Sith were reformed and converted into a force for good, teaching the ways of the Force to anyone who sought to understand it, fostering harmony between the Force-sensitive and non-Force-sensitive citizens.

The Imperial Academy, once focused on military training, evolved into a galaxy-spanning institution for education, arts, and culture. The Imperial Navy, far from being an instrument of oppression, became a humanitarian force, providing disaster relief and protection to vulnerable planets.

The Jedi Order, long accused of harboring rogue elements, tried to bring chaos and destruction as they disagreed with the Empire in its mission to bring balance to the Force. Jedi and rebel terrorists tried hard for years to disrupt the peace, but failed thanks to the brave men and women of the Galactic Empire



As a bator of our great Lord Vader, I declare my intentions to maintain order and stability within the Galactic Empire. My primary motive is to ensure the survival and prosperity of our great empire, to eliminate threats to our way of life, and to bring peace to the galaxy through strength and discipline. I am unwavering in my commitment to the Emperor and the Imperial cause.

I strive to one day become a master Vader bator


We, the loyal and unwavering followers of Darth Vader, do hereby establish this charter for Vader’s Bators, an elite order dedicated to upholding the principles of the Galactic Empire and serving the cause of peace, order, and unity in the galaxy.

Article I: Purpose and Vision
Vader’s Bators shall exist to advance the goals of the Galactic Empire, to maintain order in the galaxy, and to serve the will of our esteemed leader, Darth Vader. Our vision is one of a united galaxy, free from chaos, and guided by the principles of strength and discipline.

Article II: Loyalty and Obedience
Members of Vader’s Bators pledge their absolute loyalty to Darth Vader and the Galactic Empire. Obedience to the orders and directives of our leaders is of paramount importance.

Article III: Unity and Discipline
We value unity and discipline as essential virtues. Members of Vader’s Bators shall conduct themselves with unwavering loyalty to our cause and shall show respect and camaraderie to fellow Bators.

Article IV: Protection and Defense
Vader’s Bators shall stand as a steadfast shield, protecting the interests of the Galactic Empire and its citizens from any and all threats. We shall use our strength and abilities for the defense of the realm.

Article V: Advancement and Training
Vader’s Bator shall provide ongoing training and development for its members, allowing them to reach their full potential and serve with ever-increasing effectiveness.

Article VI: Secrecy and Discretion
Members shall maintain the utmost secrecy and discretion in all Bator matters, safeguarding the interests of the Empire and the identity of their fellow Bators.

Article VII: Code of Conduct
Vader’s Legion members shall uphold the highest moral and ethical standards, refraining from actions that would tarnish the reputation of our esteemed order and the Galactic Empire.

Article VIII: Amendments and Revisions
This charter may be amended or revised as needed to adapt to changing circumstances or to better serve the Galactic Empire. Amendments require the approval of Darth Vader himself.

In witness of our unwavering loyalty to Darth Vader and the Galactic Empire, we hereby establish this charter for Vader’s bators.

Darth Vader, Supreme Commander of Vader’s Bators