Established 2942 Multiplatform Gaming accepts members of all races, genders, and creeds regardless of citzienship. We reject UEE’s narrow minded views and oversight. Undeterred by adversity we are dedicated to our goal of peace and inclusion for mutual protection and profit.
Established in 2942 the Multiplatform Gaming Syndicate began as a trucking service full of positively minded citizens. After many hardships brought on by attacks on their shipping lines, unfair impound practices, and arbitrary regulations on the legality of cargo the trucking service stepped outside of UEE oversight. Unwilling to accept the UEE’s narrow minded views they recruit pilots of all race, creeds, citizenships, and genders to bolster their ranks for mutual protection and profit. Undeterred by any adversity and dedicated to their goal, they spread their message of peace and inclusiveness while still projecting the necessary strength to protect their own.
To conduct and promote commerce of all kinds free from artificial legislation and restriction.
To promote social cooperation through understanding and commerce with all members of the universe.
To denounce and oppose all forces who stand in the way of these goals.
Our charter is written in the sweat of our members and the blood of those who sought to hold back commerce and understanding. It is written in the Celestial hand of our Kingpin and founder.
Ask for our charter again and your blood will freshen its ink.
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