Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Interstellar Logistics & Transport Service / ILTS

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Trading

Welcome to the Interstellar Logistics & Transport Service. We serve the distribution, logistics and commerce needs of our customers galaxy-wide.

(Join Our Discord Server Here)


2347-09-18 – Re-organised the discord server and business structure in preparation for the 3.0 release.
2347-02-17 – Has established a business partnership with the people of KULIN.
2346-09-24ILTS has reached 10 members.
2346-09-23 – Added COGNITION, UEMC, FORTITUDE, VVAR, AID, GANJ, ORPEC and DIPOLMACY to our partnership list.
2346-09-10 – Major update to appearance of website.
2346-09-09 – Added a Staff rank in between Interns and Officers/Managers to act as the main rank for a department.
2346-09-08 – Restructure of ILTS to a more effective state. Adding Executive Officers, Senior Officers/Managers and Interns to specific roles.
2346-06-26 – A dedicated ILTS Discord chat has been created.
2346-06-26ILTS Manifesto and Charter has been updated.
2346-05-28ILTS rules and fleet contingencies have been created. Expect an update soon.
2346-05-18 – The RSI page has been updated, with our official website being developed continuously.
2346-04-24ILTS was formed into an official corporation.
2345-10-15 – The concept of ILTS is formed by the original founders.


Welcome to the Interstellar Logistics & Transport Service. We serve the distribution, logistics, and commerce needs of our customers galaxy-wide, offering excellence in all we do. We have a strong company, with broad employee as we believe in fair and equal pay for all.

For our customers:
Here at ILTS we strive to do everything we can for our customers, whatever the mission.
We offer competitive pricing which will be discussed when you decide what services you require.
We only ask for payment at the end (unless circumstances do not allow it), but will not release your cargo until the contract has been fully paid.
At ILTS, we aim to always have someone ready to deliver your package, whatever time of day.

Missions that we specialise in are: – High value cargo – High speed delivery – Large haul – Long haul – Logistic resupplies – An “Uber” style system where we aim to always have someone on standby to deliver your goods

We have teamed up with a security firm (Blood Red Conglomerate) to ensure that your cargo is delivered swiftly and safely to its destination.

For new candidates:
We are a regular/hardcore organisation, we like to be serious about how we run the business but also have fun at the same time.
We are constantly looking for people to join our organisation.
We are a very friendly bunch of people and like to ensure that your rights are not infringed on.
We offer a fair living wage system to make sure that you are not underpaid. We aim to pay members as equally as possible once other costs have been deducted from the profit.
You are required to follow the rules which can be found in the charter.

We also aim to have social events monthly so that our hard workers get time to relax and chill, but most importantly, have fun.

If you join our organisation, you will initially join in as a candidate where you then have a discussion with a Director or a Manager about your future prospects within the business.

After you have been working in the business for some time, you will have the opportunity to be promoted and explore more senior roles within the organisation.


- Respect other members. No discrimination of any kind.
- Do not destroy or take other people’s property.
- Follow the orders given by those in command to the best of your ability to ensure a safe and efficient work environment.
- Do not speak on behalf of the business unless given permission to by the Board of Directors.
- The stealing or destruction of cargo is strictly forbidden.
- Pay shall be distributed upon completion of delivery based on role of work undertaken and revenue earned minus variable costs such as fuel, repairs etc.
- Do not abuse any position of power. Pay their fair share and understand the limitations of your crew.
- Griefing is strictly prohibited

The departments are: – Department of Flight – Department of Core (Engineering/Medical) – Department of PR – Department of HR

Failure to follow these rules will result in punishment depending on the severity of the rules broken. Punishment can range from instant dismissal to a warning. If you are repeatedly given warnings, further steps shall be taken.

If you feel like a member has broken any of these rules or that another member is suppressing your right to speak, please do not hesitate to talk to a member of senior staff and we will look into the issue. We will treat your complaint anonymously.