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Stargazer Expeditionary Force / IF2895

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Welcome to the Page of the Stargazer Expeditionary Force.
The Universe is ripe with many different opportunities if you know where to look for them, and Freelancers are in more demand than ever.
We engage in Freelancer Operations within the confines of the Law along the Final Frontier of Space.


The Stargazer Expeditionary Force was created to serve in the Frontier Regions of Space and are a band of independant Pilots that banded together. Most border colonies are set out for themselves out there, and can’t afford to pay the Mega Corporations which dominate UEE Space, to take care of their Protection, and the UEE is spread thin due to the Vanduul Forces that Keep pushing towards UEE Borders.

An Independent Pilot Organisation had formed on the Borders of Frontier Space, and offer their Services to these colonies, for a moderate pay.
Since then they accepted many missions, from humanitary missions, emergency evacuations, Fighting off Raiders and Pirates to cartography unknown Space.


The Focus of the Stargazer Expeditionary Force is to assist the frontier colonies in any way possible and Chart unknown Space. The loose Organization structure allows most pilots to enter and do their Thing, without any kind of obligations to be forced on them, unless a Crisis Situation occurs which Needs everyone’s assistance to solve.

Freelancers don’t tend to Focus on single branches and spread out to Contracts as they become available, and usually get a good payout in return. This allows us to remain independant and flexible in our Tasks and Contracts.
But despite our Freelance work there is one Thing which is important, we NEVER harm Civilians or raid other ships, since that is pirate buisiness, we stay on the legal side of law, and are even asked to assist peacekeepers and Police Forces every now and then if they are overtasked or Need an independant Guild to solve Problems they can’t solve.


There are certain Rules and a Freelancer Code which our Members must follow :
- We work together

- We never fight each other, unless there is a really good reason too, and there is proof to any accusations.

- We stay on the legal side of the law, we avoid any shady Business.

- We never endanger Civilians, raid their ships or force them to drop their Cargo, that is pirate Business, not ours.

- We assist Police Forces and repect their law.

- We assist our Members in Need, and civilian ships that are under attack by public enemies.

- We look out to each other.

- No one gets left behind.
- And the most important rule of all, we are here casually to have fun and hang out, and we all have a Real Life which ALWAYS Comes first, no matter what.