Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Iglite DovahJäeger / IDJ

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

First Squadron – Command Received – Primary Combat Mission: Protect Your Wingmen
Secondary Missions: Clear The Area / Search & Rescue / Escort Fleet / Patrol




Small Group taking on targets big and small.

We focus on small squad tactics to take on a numerical foe and win.

No pirates here, and likely will not be tolerated for the foreseeable future.

We will be doing exploration, trade, bounty hunting, as well as freelancing. No being tied down to one thing.

Ranking will be simple, no complex ranking system will be used here. You will not see Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains, Admirals, or Generals as ranks, Nor will we use a 5 star rank or 4 star rank if we can help it.


Rules are relatively simple, we are to consider ourselves as equals when not in combat situations, fight as units with one clear commander in battle.

1. Choose a Wingman

You will choose a wingman to fly with, You will protect that wingman to the best of your ability. This means you stick with them, and don’t go cowboying off to the great beyond. Leads will be decided among yourselves, but the combat commander can change who is in the lead if need be. You stay in support range of each other. If you see a conflict, you go in together. When leaving, you leave together. You fight as one!

2. Respect

Respect your fellow pilots, they may be your wingman tomorrow.
Respect those outside the unit, they may return the favor in some fashion.
Respect your enemy, you will be less likely to keep him as a nemesis this way. You will also keep from getting arrogant/“cocky” and getting yourself and your wingman killed.

3. Ranking

Ranking will be simple and vested by experience
Recruits are the new people in training, they will be bumped up to regulars when two trainers believe they are ready. This is also the probationary period to see how well they mix with the others and to determine how mature the pilot/soldier shall be.
Regulars are the freshly trained but not fully experienced, with time and battle experience they will rank up to experienced.
Experienced are the backbone, they may take up recruits for training or take up some leadership roles on their own basis.
Veterans are the long time members, only difference between experienced and veterans will be leadership responsibility. They will have proven themselves reliable and trustworthy, and at times be the advisors to those who ask of it. This will be at the Veterans discretion. This rank will be honorary, and to be awarded with general agreement among the experienced and veterans. This rank is also able to be refused should the person being “promoted” decline the responsibility.

Expectations are those that you take on for yourself. Should you decide to take it up, then the responsibility is on your shoulders. Being asked to take up an expectation by a veteran does not preclude you accepting. Declining that responsibility if you don’t believe you are up to it is acceptable. Declining responsibility if you don’t want it period is acceptable.


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