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Intergalactic Consortium of Resources / ICOR

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  • Resources
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Welcome to the
Intergalactic Consortium of Resources
where innovation and sustainable resource management drive our mission to build a prosperous future.
Join our dynamic team and be part of a galaxy-wide vision.

(Explore your potential – join us on Discord)


Foundation and Early Days (2890 – 2900)
The Intergalactic Consortium of Resources, commonly known as ICOR, was founded in 2890 by a group of ambitious corporate magnates with the goal of becoming the galaxy’s leading resource extraction and mining corporation. ICOR’s official mission was to promote sustainable resource gathering while maintaining a lawful, employee-focused environment that upheld the highest ethical standards.

During its early years, ICOR quickly established itself as a rising star in the industry by leveraging state-of-the-art technology to harvest rare minerals, gases, and metals from uncharted worlds. Their operations expanded rapidly across UEE space, securing lucrative contracts from various mega-corporations and governments.

Despite its success, there were whispers of ICOR’s operations being less ethical behind the scenes. The company’s rapid expansion came at the cost of heavily exploiting frontier worlds and their populations, often under dubious legal pretenses. These practices were carefully concealed from public scrutiny through bribery and careful manipulation of UEE law.

Golden Era of Expansion (2900 – 2930)
By the turn of the 30th century, ICOR was a powerhouse, its influence stretching across the Stanton system and beyond. Its carefully cultivated image as a benevolent corporation, focused on sustainability and innovation, earned it a reputation as a model of corporate responsibility. They invested heavily in PR campaigns, positioning ICOR as a shining example of lawful corporate citizenship within the UEE.

Internally, the company operated very differently. Employees were given generous benefits packages, including high salaries, medical care, and performance incentives, which helped maintain a sense of loyalty. However, beneath the surface, ICOR’s management secretly implemented draconian policies, locking employees into restrictive contracts that made it nearly impossible for them to leave the corporation. Workers who questioned corporate practices or tried to unionize mysteriously disappeared or found themselves reassigned to harsh, isolated operations on dangerous mining worlds.

On the public stage, ICOR championed “ethical resource extraction,” but in reality, they exploited the weakest systems in the galaxy, pillaging planets and leaving behind environmental devastation. To maintain their facade, they used subsidiaries and mercenary groups to carry out the most illegal operations, ensuring their public face remained untarnished.

The Shadow Years (2930 – 2950)
As the 30th century progressed, ICOR’s true nature became harder to hide. The company’s ruthless pursuit of profit led to increasingly reckless operations in contested territories. It was during this period that ICOR began to clash with local resistance groups and even other corporations who sought to protect their own interests. These operations were often attributed to rogue elements or third-party contractors, insulating ICOR from direct accountability.

Internally, the corporation tightened control over its workforce. Employees were monitored by an advanced AI surveillance system called “Oculus,” which analyzed worker behavior and flagged any signs of discontent or potential whistleblowers. Promotions were dangled like carrots, but often led employees into greater levels of entrapment. To maintain their facade, ICOR held lavish corporate events and morale-building retreats, fostering a sense of camaraderie among their workforce, while continuing to enforce strict non-disclosure agreements and aggressive security measures to prevent leaks of their darker activities.

Present Day (2950 – Present)
Today, ICOR is one of the most powerful and feared corporations in the galaxy. Their influence spans multiple star systems, and they are considered one of the leading forces in the resource extraction sector. While the general public views them as a lawful corporation that brings economic prosperity to the systems they operate in, those who have worked for or against ICOR know the truth: it is a heartless, cutthroat organization with a dark, violent core.

To this day, ICOR continues its dual existence, pretending to uphold the values of corporate responsibility while engaging in some of the most nefarious acts in the galaxy. Their employees, bound by golden handcuffs, either don’t know the full extent of the company’s corruption or are too afraid to speak out. The corporation’s slogan, “Building a Brighter Future,” echoes across the stars, but beneath that promise lies a chilling truth: ICOR will stop at nothing to secure power, wealth, and control.

ICOR: The Galaxy’s Most Dangerous Ally
Though it pretends to operate within the bounds of UEE law, ICOR’s true allegiance is to itself. Its tentacles stretch into every corner of the universe, and those who oppose them often find themselves crushed under the weight of their own ambitions. To many, ICOR is a symbol of corporate tyranny hiding behind a veneer of righteousness—an empire built on exploitation, deception, and fear.


Building a Brighter Future Together

At the Intergalactic Consortium of Resources (ICOR), we believe in shaping a future where humanity thrives alongside progress. Our mission is simple: to responsibly and sustainably harvest the galaxy’s resources while upholding the highest standards of corporate integrity, environmental stewardship, and the well-being of our employees and partners.

Commitment to Ethical Resource Management
We recognize the profound responsibility we bear in managing the galaxy’s natural wealth. Our commitment to ethical resource extraction means ensuring that every operation we undertake is done with full transparency, compliance with UEE regulations, and minimal environmental impact. By leveraging advanced technologies and sustainable practices, ICOR aims to leave the systems we operate in richer—not only in resources but in opportunities for growth and prosperity.

Empowering Communities and Employees
People are at the heart of everything we do. ICOR is dedicated to fostering a workplace where innovation thrives, where every employee is empowered to contribute to our shared success, and where individual growth is nurtured. We provide competitive salaries, comprehensive benefits, and opportunities for advancement, creating an environment where every team member is valued and their contributions recognized.

Our partnerships extend beyond our internal teams to the communities in which we operate. By investing in local economies, supporting educational initiatives, and providing training, ICOR helps unlock the potential of every system, ensuring that progress is shared.

Innovation for a Sustainable Future
ICOR’s guiding principle is innovation with purpose. As a leader in cutting-edge resource extraction technology, we continuously push the boundaries of what’s possible, ensuring that our methods are both efficient and sustainable. We believe that through science and innovation, we can minimize our footprint and set new standards for the industry. Our research and development initiatives are aimed at finding cleaner, safer ways to operate, for the benefit of future generations.

Corporate Responsibility and Transparency
Our integrity is our foundation. ICOR operates under strict adherence to UEE law, and we are committed to being fully transparent in all our dealings, whether with employees, business partners, or the public. We maintain rigorous compliance programs to ensure that every facet of our operations aligns with legal and ethical standards. We invite open communication and accountability, believing that trust is built through honesty and transparency.

A Vision for the Future
Our vision extends beyond the present. ICOR is more than just a corporation—it is a force for positive change in the galaxy. We believe in the power of progress and the potential of humanity to shape its future. Together, with our employees, partners, and the communities we serve, we will continue to explore the stars, build new opportunities, and create a brighter, more prosperous future for all.

Join ICOR—where progress meets purpose.


I. Preamble

The Intergalactic Consortium of Resources (ICOR), hereby established as a lawful corporate entity within the United Empire of Earth (UEE), is committed to the advancement of interstellar resource extraction, innovation, and sustainable development. ICOR pledges to operate in compliance with UEE regulations, with a focus on transparency, ethical practices, and the betterment of humanity’s future in the cosmos.

II. Mission Statement

ICOR’s mission is to responsibly extract and manage the galaxy’s resources, leveraging cutting-edge technology to create economic growth while ensuring the preservation of the environments in which we operate. The corporation strives to build trust with its employees, partners, and communities, fostering a collaborative approach to intergalactic development.

III. Corporate Objectives

Resource Extraction & Management:
To utilize advanced methods for the ethical extraction and distribution of valuable resources across the UEE and beyond.

To ensure minimal environmental impact in all operational areas through sustainable practices.
Innovation and Development:

To invest in research and development that advances resource extraction technologies, ensuring safer and more efficient operations.

To pioneer innovations that promote environmental stewardship and sustainable growth.

Employee Welfare and Growth:
To create a supportive and empowering work environment where all employees have the opportunity to grow professionally.

To offer competitive compensation, benefits, and opportunities for career advancement to attract and retain top talent.
Corporate Responsibility:

To operate with full transparency, maintaining rigorous compliance with all UEE laws and regulations.

To engage with local communities and governments, contributing to local economies and ensuring ICOR’s presence brings positive outcomes for all stakeholders.

Sustainability and Environmental Conservation:
To continuously develop and implement environmentally friendly technologies, minimizing the footprint of resource extraction activities.

To adhere to strict environmental guidelines, ensuring the preservation of planetary ecosystems for future generations.

IV. Corporate Structure

Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors shall provide strategic direction for ICOR’s operations, ensuring alignment with the corporation’s values and mission. It will consist of appointed members with proven expertise in relevant industries, including mining, environmental management, and corporate governance.

Executive Leadership:
ICOR’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) will oversee the company’s daily operations, ensuring that all objectives are met.
Other key executive positions will include a Chief Operations Officer (COO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), and Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
Departments and Divisions:

Mining & Resource Extraction Division:
Responsible for overseeing all extraction operations, ensuring efficiency and sustainability.

Research & Development Division:
Focused on advancing technology and processes to improve extraction methods and environmental sustainability.

Human Resources & Employee Welfare Division:
Oversees employee recruitment, retention, and development, ensuring a positive work culture.

Corporate Responsibility & Compliance Division:
Ensures adherence to UEE laws, regulations, and environmental policies.

V. Legal Compliance and Ethics
ICOR is committed to adhering to all UEE laws, including those pertaining to labor, environmental standards, and corporate governance. The company shall maintain a rigorous compliance program, regularly audited by external agencies, to ensure full legal and ethical adherence across all operational sectors. Whistleblowing protections will be in place to encourage transparency and accountability.

VI. Governance and Decision-Making
All major corporate decisions, including acquisitions, expansions, and partnerships, will be subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Decisions affecting employee welfare or operational standards must pass through appropriate internal channels, ensuring that all voices are considered.

VII. Environmental and Social Responsibility
ICOR is dedicated to ensuring that its operations contribute positively to the universe. This includes respecting the natural environments of planets where resources are extracted, avoiding harm to local ecosystems, and supporting the development of local communities. Regular environmental impact assessments will be conducted to evaluate and minimize any adverse effects.

VIII. Conflict Resolution and Dispute Handling
ICOR is committed to resolving disputes in a fair and timely manner. Employees, partners, and other stakeholders may raise concerns through established corporate channels. In cases requiring mediation, ICOR will engage independent arbitrators to ensure an impartial process.

IX. Amendment Procedure
Amendments to this Charter may be proposed by the Board of Directors and will require a two-thirds majority vote for ratification. Any amendments must also comply with UEE regulations and align with the corporation’s mission and values.