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Independent Alliance of Merchants / IAM

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Security

Welcome to the Independent Alliance of Merchants. Feel free to browse the member list and check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us.


On a day not too long ago, a cargo smuggler pilot by the name of [REDACTED] decided to take a short cut through an uncharted binary star system. This short cut was an attempt to save time off delivering goods and increase his profit. The increase in profit came in a form of a clause in his contract for delivery, a clause in the contract he signed when he accepted the job for hauling contraband half way across the known galaxy.
The clause; “…shall the goods be delivered to the [REDACTED] system within 10 Earth Solar days the remuneration for the goods paid will be four fold of the offered price.”. Someone wanted this cargo there really bad. Since going private he has taken on a don’t ask don’t tell policy.
In order to meet the delivery deadline the smuggler had to chart a course through a binary star system.
The gravitational pull of the stars inside this solar system was great, so much so that in order to make his way through it his quantum drive would be rendered unusable while traversing it. Before planning his trip he tried to go around it, unfortunately the area around this solar system is enveloped by particular gas which eats away at the hulls of ships. So it makes this solar system particularly vulnerable to pirate attacks and ambushes.

The contraband was paid out of pocket for with all his previous profits from other cargo jobs. He hasn’t been at this type of work for too long, he used to work as a cargo runner/free lancer for corporations not only about 2 years ago. This was his independence, his freedom from the constraints and restrictions that the Corporations put on hauling goods. Working for the Corps was a steady pay cheque and it paid a living wage, but he wanted more than a living wage, he wanted a profitable business, his own employees and the freedom to write his own success story.
With this haul in his cargo hold he would be able to afford this freedom, if he managed to get the cargo to it’s destination on time he would more that quadruple his earnings. In the end this would afford him the mining rig that he wanted, and to finally legitimize his income and earnings.

This was a “High risk, high reward.” type of situation and the pilots only option was to make his way through this solar system.
While entering the binary star system and dropping out of quantum travel, almost immediately the ship was ambushed by pirates. A stroke of bad luck that he jumped right in to the pirates playground, this stroke of luck couldn’t have been any worse for the cargo runner. His worst fears came true. He dropped our of quantum right into the hands of the pirates and as such he didn’t even get a chance to prepare his ship for battle.
The pirates opened fire on the cargo runners ship immediately, the first few shots grazed and damaged the ships quantum and hyper drive, in turn disabling his only effective means of escape. The pilot of the cargo run managed to get his shield up quickly following this to prevent any further devastating damage to the ship.
Having only the ability to use his thrusters the pilot pointed his ship towards a nearby asteroid belt in an attempt to outrun and out manoeuvre the pirates. Weaving and dodging, the shots fired along side his hull, small asteroid debris were bouncing off his craft, and missiles were hitting rouge asteroids and rocks shaking and rumbling the hull of his ship. It was a cluster f**k of epic proportions. Within all this chaos of explosions and flying debris the cargo pilot managed to fool the pirates and lose them inside the asteroid belt. Soon after inside the belt he found the safety of a large asteroid that would mask his thermals and obscure the visibility of his ship. The smuggler parked the ship inside the cave of the asteroid and away from the pirates sight and scanners. He powered down the systems of the ship ad soon as he anchored himself to the cave.

The Pirates, unable to find the cargo ship started combing the asteroid belt for any clues as to it’s location. The patient pilot could only sit and wait, and hope that soon they would give up and provide him with a window for escape. However, the pirates persisted, they were not able to locate him inside the asteroid but they kept looking. Minuted turned into hours, and hours turned into days. They were not giving up the search for the smuggler.

Inside the asteroid where the cargo ship was hiding, the pilot started to notice that soon he would run out of air. The air reserves will only last for about one more solar earth day. Scenarios started to play out in the pilots head, each and every option was weighed, every escape was played out and varied inside his head to find just the right solution to his problem. If there was a perfect solution to this, his mind was not able to locate it. In the end he would have to settle for the second best option, the option that involved losing the cargo. The cargo that he spend his life earnings on, but that cargo would go on to save the smugglers life.

In the end the pilot made the decision to jettison his cargo, this was the only logical and sound resolution to his immediate problem. With air running out, and the pirates lurking over his shoulder he needed to make a run for it. Getting rid of the cargo would lighten up his ship and provide extra velocity to the ship, but that might have not been enough. What better to to guarantee his escape than to create a diversion, something that would draw the pirates attention away from his escape and draw near by ships to it. The cargo runner pilot proceeded to inspect the hyper drive engine, and just as he had thought, the engine was beyond immediate repair. He made it work though, he jettisoned the hyper drive fuel cells as well and then proceeded to overload them in space, effectively creating a large explosion and the much needed diversion. Giving the ship enough distance between it and the explosion he used the shock wave from the explosion to further accelerate his ship and add the much needed velocity to his escape. Decoupled mode was his friend.
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Independent Alliance of Merchants (IAM)

The term merchant is referred to any human or alien species that offers services for profit.
We all offer a particular service in one form or another, hence we are all merchants.
Services may be but are not limited to, commerce, security, trade, smuggling, bounty, assassination, piracy or charity.

Space is a vast void of unknown surprises and dangers. It could be pirates lurking around an asteroid belt, two rival factions competing for a section of space, a civil war that broke out near a shipping lane, a solar flare that damages your ship as you pass too close to a star… these are some of the dangers you might encounter in uncharted territories and space.

The IAM are Merchants that banded together to ensure their prosperity in the universe.
The IAM was formed to free all merchants from the scrutiny and conflict of all third parties and provide security and safety.
All merchants belonging to the IAM adhere to values of fair trade, and observe the laws the IAM holds most dear(see Charter).


IAM is an organization of human and alien members which generally operate outside of UEE space and jurisdiction. IAM was formed in order to provide coherence and standards to commerce and code of conduct in lawless space. The IAM has two fundamental laws consisting of the Moral Code and the Intelligent Life-form Rights Act.

These are the Charter members of the IAM are able to belong to other organizations, with the exception of all Senior IAM members and the Founding Fathers council. Once a member accepts the position of a Senior IAM member they must sever all financial and moral ties to any other organizations. They may stay on as an advocate of the IAM with in their old organization, but all financial and moral obligations will be tied to the Independent Alliance of Merchants.

The Independent Guild or Arbitrators (IAG) has no oversight or jurisdiction over IAM members. Any member engaging the use of the IAG to resolve disputes within the IAM will be disposed of with prejudice. Any IAG member attempting to oversee a dispute with in the IAM will be disposed of with prejudice.

The UEE and any other organization has no jurisdiction over the IAM, unless they enter into a contract with the IAM, which must be agreed upon by the IAM Senior council and the Founding Fathers council… (see above)

A member is responsible for his own ability to stay profitable, in any endeavor they choose to take part in. Be it, commerce, bounty, fame, or fortune. Which ever endeavor they choose to pursue, belonging to the Independent Alliance of Merchants guarantees that the Merchant adheres to a higher moral code and standards.

Each member of the Independent Alliance of Merchants is the judge, jury, and executioner of their actions. Governed by the By adhering to the Acts and Codes as outlined below the IAM member guarantees their prosperity in the Alliance.

Moral Code of Conduct: Human and Alien right must always be observed and followed by all IAM charter members. When in Alien and/or Human space, governed by non UEE or IAM laws all charter members must adhere to and observe the local laws and codes of conduct. The Moral Code prohibits an IAM member from engaging in needless violence and fire only if fired upon, unless there is strong evidence that a threat is imminent. An IAM member must respect all life forms as outlined by the Intelligent Life-form Rights Act. An IAM member will not engage in immoral contracts with a third party or another IAM member. In the ete of the law all IAM members are equal regardless of rank or social status.

Intelligent Life-form Rights Act: All intelligent life-forms, henceforth to be referred to as life form, be they human or alien have a basic right to fair judgement and defense by their peers. Any life form that has been detained can not be held for longer than one solar earth day, unless formally charged. If a life form has been formally charged they must be judged by a council of their peers, unless a summary judgement has been passed by an IAM member. If a Summary judgement has been passed, it will be reviewed by the Senior council or the Founding Fathers Council at a later data to make sure that it adheres to the charter.

Transaction Act: All transactions and dues must be completed and paid in full to or from an IAM charter member upon contract completion, unless this is otherwise stated in a signed contract. The signing of a contract can take the form of a verbal agreement, a handshake, a communication, or a signed agreement between two parties. A signed agreement is always preferred.
If an IAM member is found to be in breach of contract with a third party, the IAM Senior council will pass judgement and reimburse the third party for their losses. All transactions with the IAM guarantee the highest standards and the adherence to the strictest moral code. By following these rules and guidelines all commerce and trade with the IAM is highly sought after. We get the job done right the first time. The Transaction Act does not cover aspects of the Robin Hood Act.

Robin Hood Act: A Merchant is allowed to engage in piracy. As long as said Merchant can “justify” this piracy as outlined by the IAM charter. Stealing in order to survive. Stealing to advance the status of the IAM in the known universe. Stealing from the haves to distribute to the have not’s. Stealing to save someones life. Stealing to prevent a violation of the IAM Moral Code of Conduct or to enforce the Intelligent Life-form Rights Act. Stealing from those that violate or have violated the IAM Moral Code of Conduct or Intelligent Life-form Rights Act. During acts of piracy all members must observe the Moral Code, and Intelligent Life-form Rights Act, and any or all applicable local laws.

Assassin Act: The Assassin Act describes the right of an IAM member engaging in Murder. An IAM member is justified in murder when a target has broken the IAM Moral Code of Conduct or the Intelligent Life-form Rights Act (Fundamental IAM laws). An IAM member may be contracted out to perform a hit(commit murder) or collect a bounty on a target by third party that does not belong to the IAM, in which case the targets “factional” rights need to be observed and taken into consideration. The target does not have to be an IAM member.
If the target is an IAM member, and if the evidence is overwhelming, and the target(IAM member) has been found to be guilty of breaking the two fundamental IAM laws, a summary judgement may be passed by a peer of the IAM. All summary judgments passed on fellow IAM members will be reviewed by the Founding Fathers council.

Allegiance to IAM: All IAM charter members are encouraged to take all the steps necessary to further the IAM, financially, technologically, and socially in the known universe.

IAM membership: All IAM members are

IAM membership benefits: Members of the IAM get preferential treatment in other organizations and guilds. Being a member IAM guarantees that the contract prices are at a premium as an IAM member guarantees their

IAM Founders:

IAM Senior member:

IAM Founding Fathers council: The Founding Fathers council is rotated every solar earth year. Potential members of the Founding Fathers council are endorsed by their peers (Founding Fathers) and entered into a lottery drawn at random to select the 3 new members.

IAM Senior council: The Senior council is rotated every three solar earth years. Potential members of the Senior council are endorsed by their peers (Senior members) and entered into a lottery drawn at random to select the 7 new members.

IAM fees and taxation:

IAM obligations: 1. All IAM mem 2. All IAM mem 3. All IAM mem

IAM dispute resolution:
Between IAM members: All IAM disputes between charter members will the resolved internally with the oversight of the Senior Council, and Fouding Fathers council if necessary. All resolutions are final as voted by the

Between an IAM member and a third party:

IAM reviews and judgments: All IAM reviews and judgments performed by the Senior council, can be overturned by a emergency session peer review of the Senior members, or the Founding Fathers council (Hierarchically). All IAM reviews and judgments performed by the Founding Fathers council can be overturned by an emergency session peer review by the Founding Fathers.

IAM violations: The Moral Code and Intelligent Life-form Rights Act are the two most important pillars and building blocks of the Independent Alliance of Merchants. If at any point a member of the IAM is found in violation of these laws

IAM ejection: If any member is found to be in violation of the IAM charter they may be ejected from the IAM with great prejudice.

IAM release: Unless you are a Senior IAM member or a Founding Father, under some circumstances the IAM reserves the right to peacefully and without prejudice release a member from their Independent Alliance of Merchants obligations. An IAM member will be heard by the Senior council, and both the Senior and Founding Fathers councils will decide the release and conditions of release of said member.

IAM enrollment: IAM enrollment is only possible via an existing IAM member endorsement. Only a current IAM member is able to recommend a citizen for the Independent Alliance of Merchants. All enrollees will be put to the test, to ensure that only candidates of the highest caliber with the strongest moral standards are considered and enrolled into the IAM.