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Horizon Rangers / HRS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

For those between the darkness and the light. Respecting the boundary of wrong to enforce the good……
Join us on Discord


“Rangers, Ever Watching. Comming soon… Until then check this frequency
Join us on Discord


Horizon Rangers…
For those between the darkness and the light. Respecting the boundary of wrong to enforce the good

Freemen. Against obvious wrongs and even self vices.

Two versions of one Simple Obvious Truth-

1.Strength is better than weakness ………. 1.Courage
2.Courage is better than cowardice ………. 2.Truth
3.Joy is better than guilt……………………..3.Honor
4.Honor is better than dishonor ……………..4.Fidelity
5.Freedom is better than slavery……………..5.Discipline
6.Kinship is better than alienation…………….6.Hospitality
7.Realism is better than dogmatism………….7.Self Reliance
8.Vigor is better than lifelessness……………..8.Industriousness
9.Ancestry is better than universalism……….9.Perseverance

Visit our web site at Horizon Rangers…


Membership Requirements And Code Of Conduct::

*Must have and use Teamspeak 3 *Must be respectful , strive to be more than they are and mature. *No Drama

In the year while the on-line game is nearing completion we would like to build one of the most respected groups in the game.
Quality is also most Valued in communities. With a group this diverse of Top shelf.
We could accomplish much in the initial stages of release and carve out a home just for us.
**************************************************************************************************************************** As our stated Manifesto is our hearts and guiding light.
Our charter is aspirations and coordination’s to accomplish goals. To be outstanding Rangers in the Star-Citizen community.

What We Are Looking For:

We are looking for inspired players to make up all the professions that Star Citizen will offer.

What We Offer:
  1. Mutual respect to everyone, member or ally. We will create an enjoyable experience in the Star Citizen Universe.
  2. Impact the Community in a positive way where we will prosper from it.
  3. Through our established leadership channels and well trained Rangers. We will maintain secured shipping lanes. Our patrolled space is to be the safest place to do business in.
  4. Members and allies will have access to our Forums,, TeamSpeak and libraries that will include many tools for success.
“ From shoving ammo into the deserved to creating ammo for the deserving. We are Rangers. “ Rangers are the embodiment of the perfect Generic Human Being striving for ascension. We will all be recognized as a Ranger. And as a ranger, you will need to be very adaptable and capable. While everyone will have a primary aspect as a Ranger, when duty calls. Be it militarily or generic needs of the organization. One important aspect, we will encourage open divisions. We plan on allowing our members to experience any and all of the game mechanics/areas.

We will offer assistance & support the following but not be limited to divisions of Rangers. :excluding unprovoked piracy:
•Mercantile -ME
•Military -ML
•Exploration -EX
•Diplomacy -DI
•Intelligence -IT
•Smuggling -SM ( Natural or self moderating or medicating drugs, Arms, supplies and even information of the persecuted or the wrongly blockaded)
•Industry -ID
•Escort -ES (space or ground)
•Bounty Hunting -BH
•FreeLancer -FL ( A Generic Independent Lone Ranger out on his own. )
•Logistics and Transportation. -LT
•Privateer (Against pirates and invasive organizations)
•Ranger Instructor -RI (Embraces everything Ranger. Yet has a selfless devotion to his Organization, a complete opposite of a freelancer.)
[REV- All are expected to be self efficient. However, know that it is self serving to donate to a RI.]

*” Be gracious to newcomers, humble in victory. Noble in defeat, respectful to our adversaries. Helpful to strangers and squad mates alike. “* The most basic of politeness should be given to even the most hardest or easiest of people. If this is unclear to you, then you have not matured enough to know the quietest of fish can cut your head off. Which is paramount to hurting yourself,fellow Rangers and allies as well. No Organizational official can bind a member to do anything he has not himself signed up for. All activities shall remain voluntary and uncoerced. No ill will shall befall any member for abstaining from any activity. With that said. Running away in an unorganised retreat is forbidden. Safety and benefits afforded, will be earned in merit or paid though coin.

How does one organize large scale, or even small scale, operations without a hierarchy or chain of command?
Our answer is to let members run themselves. But have a group controlling the BAN HAMMER.
Anonymous accusations are not accepted. The accuser must have a valid reason for not solving the issue prior to accusing an infraction.
Our esteemed leaders will summon a conclave of Responsible captains and fellow Allies to solve issues that arise.
Be it infestations of unruly or temptation indulged by our lost members.

Members and allies should strive to ensure their endeavors conform to Organizational culture. And does not clash with other Organizational activities. To avoid Organizational factionalism and improve the strength and understanding of the community. Members should also strive to include both new gamers and members with different play styles into activities. Players Fly as they will. If a person prefers to run in with his guns blazing. Then all your able to do is to assist as best as you can.: “ It is easier to have a lion off a leash. Than it is to kick a mouse in the butt. “ ******************************************************************************************************************************

We have built a great community and that’s the first step!
Apply Today!

Join Horizon Rangers Website and Teamspeak…