Supply or Die

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House of Void / HOUSEVOID

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Infiltration

The House of Void travels from distant systems for Ooryai ,The Great Void, a mass that consumes all and brings peace and closure to all.

Embrace Ooryai.

There will be no war, hunger or fear. Ooryai brings only endless peace.

Ooryai brings order to the ‘verse. Ooryai sees all. Praise Ooryai!



In the corners of space lays a powerful force Ooryai, The Great Void. From the dawn of time Ooryai spread peace throughout the universe. His ancient voice is the background harmony that unites us all. Despite this Humanity turned its back on Ooryai, as man reached the stars Ooryai’s voice became faint overridden by war from mankind’s never-ending pursuit to conquer space. With sadness he watched as species rage war as societies crumble and at worthy lives lost. Ooryai waits for his Prophet to carry his message of endless peace. Silently Ooryai consumes those who disbelieve for his system once rich with planets now contains two lifeless rocks that orbit him.

The Prophet

In 2947 Adrift in space confined within his badly damaged escape pod and dangerously low on sustenance, Oeufda has only his thoughts. His service beacon long forgotten as he tumbles in the vast emptiness. For weeks Oeufda rations his food and drink but its soon clear that without help he would die. Ooryai, The Great Void, seeing this worthy soul sings his ancient song.
Ooryai sings of peace and reveals to Oeufda the afterlife. His song tells the story of a universe without hunger or war, he reveals a path for Oeufda and followers of Ooryai to take restore order and silence those who would reject the song of The Great Void.

Ooryai’s communications with Oeufda was observed by the ever intrusive UEE who has quarantined Ooryai and his planets. The UEE detecting a faint life sign sent for Lightnin a recent UEE recruit who showed amazing skill and care in both his medical training evaluation and his rifle skills. Upon arrival he was given the order to aid or destroy the contents of the escape pod. While the medical report remains classified by the UEE it is said that Lightnin sheltered and aided The Prophet as he as no longer just Oeufda du Fromage, for he was shown his sacred path. It is for this Lightnin will always carry the sacred title of Life Bringer.


Ooryai’s plan will be revealed publicly when the Universe is ready to accept it.


Members of House of Void follow The Grand Plan revealed by Ooryai, The Great Void.

Ooryai brings order to this chaotic universe.
Ooryai provides peace to his followers.

House of Void spreads the word of Ooryai and pass his judgement on those who do not believe.

May pledge themselves to Ooryai and acquire their sacred garments.

Devote their lives to spreading the message of Ooryai, The Great Void. They live in their sacred garments/

Pass the judgement of Ooryai. Their sacred garments may be removed when preparing to judge the unworthy.

Having lived the life of the Initiate, the Disciples and the Adept. They are give more of Ooryai’s Grand Plan, and Oversee the follower of Ooryai.

Are shown their personal path provided by Ooryai via The Profit.

Are in direct connection with Ooryai.