Cult of the Double Dog / HOTDOGCULT

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Trading

We’re spreading the word of the Double Dog. The greatest food item ever to exist. It’s dual-cylindrical meaty glory, placed neatly in fluffy bread is the pinnacle of nourishment. All shall know the glory!


In the year 2842, our founder Ruby Daniels was hunting a rotten scoundrel wanted for murder when an engine in her fighter was hit by a stray rocket from her opponent. Crash landing hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest outpost, she limped through a forest, carrying only a sidearm and a few rations of hotdogs. Fighting creatures for days, subsisting on nothing but hotdogs and stream water she thought she was going to die. During her final night she thought about just ending the suffering, she saw an image in her mind of her favorite hotdog stand at her home outpost. The man who was always working it when she was leaving port’s face was soft and kind, and he always had perfectly grilled sausages on homemade buns. She heard his voice “Don’t give up. Return home to us”.

Her preservative infused blood certainly was what was causing this near-religious experience, she thought. But this was a good reason as ever to continue. She walked for one more day in the great forest and ended up finding a downed Freelancer, with power reserves still active. After climbing into the ship a refrigeration box was found with power still going to it. Inside were more hotdogs. It truly was a sign to keep fighting for her survival. She rerouted the power to the communications array in the vessel and waited patiently for rescue after sending a beacon.

Once she was rescued, she spoke of her experience to other bounty hunters who were amazed at the events that took place, and began to believe in the power of hotdogs. For the rest of their lives they spread this story and a cult formed around the delicious snack, which still exists today in the 2950s.

All hail the double dog!


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.