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Honorable Order of Space Explorers / HOSE

  • Club
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Social

Space is unfathomably big.

Most of Stanton, Pyro and beyond have never been seen by any player, anywhere.

We are explorers of the Star Citizen Persistent Universe, and we live to find places of beauty, interest and mystery in the vast expanses between its jump points.


What came before today is not our burden. The past belongs to historians. The future belongs to explorers — those who transform the unknown into the known through the power of their sight, their boots on the ground, and the strength of their hearts.


Launching into the unknown, we unite to Seek, Discover, and Enlighten. Join our quest across land, sea, sky, and space to chart new stars and unveil the secrets of the cosmos. We are at the vanguard of all tomorrow’s frontiers to experience places only seen in dreams.



There are five ranks of honor beneath the Founder. They are, in ascending order of honor, Novitros, Asteris, Astronos, Stellaris, and Questaris. Members are granted higher ranks of honor through Discovering a Location of Quality in the Star Citizen persistent universe.


A Discovery is a Location of Quality that has been confirmed by following its Path.

DISCOVERY: A Discovery is made when one or more members personally visits a Location of Quality (or, “LOQ”), in the Star Citizen persistent universe that has never been documented before, AND makes it rediscoverable by sharing a Path to the LOQ.

LOCATION OF QUALITY, or LOQ: A location is considered a LOQ if a Threshold of HOSE members, as defined by the Founder, agree that it is.

THRESHOLD: The Founder will, from time to time, at their sole discretion, change the definition of Threshold, primarily based on the number of active HOSE members. The Threshold is currently three (3) HOSE members. Only members with ranks of honor Asteris and above may place votes to meet the Threshold. Votes to meet the threshold are made by adding the LOQ reaction to the post to the proposed Discovery.

PATH: The Path is the instructions the member provides to other members, to accurately find the LOQ. The Path must include:

  1. Multilateration Data — The distances between the LOQ and at least four quantum beacons associated with known locations on the in-game Starmap, which must be accurate enough so that the Path can be used to successfuly find the LOQ again.
  2. Supporting Documentation — At a minimum, the Path must include Photos of the LOQ, but could also be enhanced by videos or descriptions to help members find the LOQ again.

With each rank of honor attained, members should have increasingly higher expectations for subsequent Locations of Quality. For example, a member needs one Discovery to be promoted to Asteris. Members should have moderate (but not low) expectations for this Location of Quality. On the other hand, a member needs four new Discoveries to be promoted from Stellaris to Celestis. Members should have higher (but not unreasonable) expectations for these last four new Discoveries.


  1. One or more members post photos or videos of their Discovery to the Discoveries channel on the Founder’s Discord, including its Path, and the names of all members who contributed their time equally, in the Discovery.
  2. A Threshold of members vote that it is a LOQ by adding the LOQ reaction to the Discovery posting.
  3. One or more members confirm they were able to find the LOQ using its Path by adding the “Path Confirmed” reaction to the Discovery posting.

For Clarity: All members who contributed to a Discovery, receive credit for the Discovery.


Here are the requirements for each of the first five ranks, ordered lowest to highest in honor:

  • Novitros: None
  • Asteris: One (1) Discovery
  • Astronos: A total of three (3) Discoveries
  • Stellaris: A total of six (6) Discoveries
  • Celestis: A total of ten (10) Discoveries