Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!



  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Engineering
  • Resources

We are a family-style org with players across multiple countries. While we are heavily in North America, we are seeking to expand our membership to better support our players in the UK, EU and APAC as well.

Please come meet us on Discord to see if we are a fit!


- Click (HERE) to join our Discord!
- Watch our old livestreams on Shaozen’s (YouTube) channel! (raising a family is time consuming but Shaozen will get back streaming soon tm)

HomeBase’s primary vision is about enjoying our time together as friends. As we already have a massive and diverse fleet (some of us are Legatus or close to it), we have all of the ships so you don’t have to, and the capacity to meet all the challenges of the ‘verse!

Our endgame has always centered around Base Building for which we are well equipped. To support that goal we will have internal divisions to support all aspects of Industrial, Science, Logistics and Security game play.

** Some of us are even racing hobbyists and have longstanding involvement with ATMO Esports, the Daymar Rally and other events.

HomeBase is Lawfully aligned, and generally sides with the UEE, though gray areas may arise in times where the ‘system’ fails to uphold its moral duty.
  • Members of HomeBase are expected to represent integrity and honor in their dealings with others in the ‘verse
  • HomeBase will take an active role in conflicts when confronted, protecting its members, their assets and those of its allies

Alliances and Associations

*Member of the Risingstar Mutual Aid Network:

*Member of the Yacht Club Organization Family:


HomeBase Tenets
1. Service without judgment
2. See the good in the people you disagree with
3. Look after who you’re with (Loyalty and connection follows the behavior)
4. All relationships take work (Make a home of wherever you are)
5. Create loyalty by showing loyalty
6. Find the group that will reciprocate your love and loyalty
7. Trust is a choice…keep safeguards in place and choose trust
8. Grieve with and comfort each other

HomeBase is Lawfully aligned, and generally sides with the UEE, though gray areas may arise in times where the ‘system’ fails to fulfill its moral duty
  • Members of HomeBase are expected to represent integrity and honor in their dealings with others in the ‘verse
  • HomeBase will take an active role in conflicts when confronted, protecting its members, their assets and those of its allies


While HomeBase’s bespoke purpose is the building of homesteads, bases and other facilities throughout the ‘verse, it should be no surprise that we will need significant resources, mobility and protection to make this a sustainable reality. To that end, we have amassed a fleet, making virtually all career paths available to our members.

  • Our anticipation is that HomeBase operations will start relatively small, scaling upward as we procure enough wealth for the operating costs of our larger, and capital class ships.
  • As early as we can, we will use one of our existing land claims to establish an initial base, strategically near the heart of UEE civilization (likely in the Terra system) as to foster our reputations with the political and corporate entities of our choice.
  • As our capability and capacity grows, we will scale outward and into the starry frontiers, using another land claim to establish a forward operating base at the outer edge of UEE space to facilitate potential discovery and operations in unexplored, or even known hostile space.
  • HomeBase operations will cover the gamut of professions available in the ‘verse, allowing us to be reasonably self sustaining, and providing us the highest profitability as we will often be able to eliminate the middle-man from our supply chains.