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Helix Security / HELIX

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Transport

To ensure the security of lawful trade for all UEE interests.




DOCUMENT UNDER DEVELOPMENT: This document is under active development, and is not presently in effect. Members are encouraged to provide feedback on the document as it evolves.


  • HELIX shall build a fleet of corporate owned fighters, transports, and capital ships such that all fleet operations can be conducted in fleet-provided vessels.
  • Individuals may field their own vessel as desired, so long as their vessel is approved for the mission profile and exceeds the capabilities of the otherwise provided HELIX vessel, and so long as they paint their vessel in HELIX colours for the duration of the operation.


HELIX is a for-profit organization in support of for-profit organizations. Our motives are direct and straightforward:

  • To ensure the security of lawful trade for all UEE interests.
  • To provide invaluable service such that HELIX and those who contract us may mutually profit.
  • To exceed all other security fleets in the value of our services.


  • The UEE is not perfect, but it is ours, and as citizens we are pledged to its defense.


DOCUMENT UNDER DEVELOPMENT: This document is under active development, and is not presently in effect. Members are encouraged to provide feedback on the document as it evolves.

I. Introduction

HELIX SECURITY is an elite security and transport services provider dedicated to the defense of lawful trade throughout the United Empire of Earth (UEE). Our personnel are highly trained and specialized in the defense and transportation of secure cargo, and will guarantee the delivery of your goods to whatever destination within the UEE or any of its trade partners.

With pirates, thieves, smugglers, and alien menaces like the Vanduul armed and growing bolder, your cargo is placed at risk whenever you head into space. HELIX provides the expertise, dedication, and integrity to give you peace of mind as you conduct your business.

Our fleet of experienced combat and freight pilots analyze the safest and securest means of moving your cargo, and will risk everything to ensure it reaches its destination safely and on time.

II. Theater of Operation

HELIX operations are based out of Tangarda in the Helios system, and operates throughout UEE, Developing, Banu, Xi’An, and unsettled space. HELIX also considers operations into Vanduul territory, but only rarely accepts such contracts.

III. Organization

1. Governance

HELIX is governed by its designated Board of Directors, each of whom oversees a portion of HELIX operations. The Board of Directors has no military authority, but does deliver high-level objectives to the Military, who in turn are given full authority to carry out those objectives as they see fit.

1.1. Chief Executive Officer

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest ranking management officer, and has final decision-making authority over all HELIX operations. The CEO is also the Chairman of the Board, and is expected to set the corporate vision for HELIX operations. He is responsible for ensuring the fleet’s values and objectives are carried out, and is held accountable by the Board of Directors. The Chief Executive Officer may be removed from his position only by the unanimous agreement of the Board of Directors. Pay TBD.

1.2. Chief Information Officer

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is responsible for collecting and analyzing data relevant to the company’s day-to-day and long-term operations. The CIO is expected to maintain an information network throughout HELIX’ operating theater, and to provide the company with important details regarding the security of Fleet Operations, as well as potential investments opportunities. The CIO reports to the CEO. Pay TBD.

1.3. Chief Communications Officer

The Chief Communications Officer (CCO) oversees HELIX’s public-facing image. She is responsible for customer relations, marketing, and human resources management. The CCO is expected to actively seek out new business ventures for HELIX, and to respond to any social issues which may arise surrounding company operations. The CCO is also expected to settle any internal disputes and enforce the company’s employee code of conduct. The CCO reports to the CEO. Pay TBD.

1.4. Chief Development Officer

The Chief Development Officer (CDO) oversees the financial investments of HELIX. She is responsible for developing and implementing a strategy by which to increase the organization’s operational budget, and decrease its requirements. The CDO expected to closely monitor fleet operations, and ensure that operating costs do not exceed the available budget, as well ensure that non-allocated resources are invested wisely. The CDO reports to the CEO. Pay TBD.

1.5. Chief Recruitment Officer

The Chief Recruitment Officer (CRO) is responsible for promoting HELIX operations to potential recruits, and for assisting those recruits with their application process. The CRO is expected to develop and implement a strategy by which the company’s membership will grow at a rate equal to its demand for employment. The CRO is expected to work closely with the Board of Directors and with Fleet Commanders to identify and meet personnel needs throughout the company. The CRO reports to the CEO. Pay TBD.

2. Member Roles

Many members of HELIX are cross-trained to serve in a diversity of roles as the mission profile demands.

HELIX qualifies its members to perform the following roles:
  • System Surveillance
  • Fighter Escort Pilot
  • Secure Transport Pilot
  • Damage Control
  • Navigation
  • Starship Operations
  • Starship Command
  • Shipboard Defense
  • Wing Leader
  • Investment
  • Recruitment
  • Risk Assessment
  • Marketing
  • Turret Gunner

3. Rank and Privilege

Member officers are assigned a rank, which determines their privileges and authority over other officers.

3.1. Admiral

This rank is held by Flag Officers, who are qualified to lead a HELIX task force. Admirals are granted the authority to plan and carry out missions as assigned by the Board of Directors, and are given broad operational discretion in the execution of that mission as long as the job is completed with the assigned budget. Pay TBD.

3.3. Captain

This rank is held by Senior Officers who are qualified to command a capital ship and a HELIX task group. Captains are directly responsible for the operation of their ship, and the distribution of its crew. Captains are accountable to their Task Force Commander, usually an Admiral. In rare circumstances, a Captain may be granted authority by the Board of Directives to oversee a task force for a specific mission objective. Pay TBD.

3.4. Commander

This rank is held by Senior Officers who have proven themselves in command situations. Commanders may serve as the leader of a Task Group, or may be the executive officer of a Captain in such a role. Commanders may perform duties such as Commander of a Fighter Group, Executive Officer, Strategic Operations, Escort Vessel Commander, or any other role within the fleet. Pay TBD.

3.5 Lieutenant

This rank is held by Officers who have demonstrated experience in the field. Lieutenants may be trusted with leading a Wing of fighters, Damage Control team, Boarding defense team, or with other small commands. Pay TBD.

3.6 Ensign

This rank is held by Officers who have passed basic training and have yet to be tested. All new members of HELIX become ensigns for a period of no less than 3 months. Pay TBD.

3.7 Recruit

This rank is held by new members to HELIX who have yet to pass basic training. Recruits are expected to be promoted to Ensign within two weeks (usually much sooner), after which time they will begin drawing regular pay.

IV. Corporate Values

1. Integrity

HELIX holds its officers to a high standard of honesty and ethical responsibility. We are committed to maintaining strict accountability in every aspect of our business.

2. Responsibility

Every contract HELIX accepts places us in a position of immense responsibility, and every officer in our fleet has been instilled with that same sense of responsibility. The success of our customers is our highest priority, and we will quit the field only when our responsibility has been discharged.

3. Dignity

HELIX expects its officers to behave with dignity whenever they are representing or interacting with the company or its customers. We honor the rights and beliefs of our customers and our employees, and strive at all times to be worthy of their respect.

4. Teamwork

We believe that teamwork is vital to the success of any organization, but ours most of all. When lives and credits are at stake, the ability to rely upon and work with your teammate is of paramount importance. Our officers are expected to behave as a cohesive unit of individuals, each capable of performing exceptional alone, but unstoppable as a team.

V. Code of Conduct


VI. The Chain of Command


VII. Affiliation