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Heathen Interstellar Corporation / HEATHENIC

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  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Welcome to Heathen Interstellar Corporation! If you’re seeking to join please apply. We’re here to help! We specialize on helping new members get acclimated and earning in the verse. We offer a community you can count on when performing various tasks you may need assistance completing.


The Heathen Interstellar organization had always been fascinated by the unknown, by the secrets of the universe that lay beyond the grasp of humanity. They were a group of explorers and adventurers, dedicated to charting new territories and discovering what lay beyond the stars.

Their ship, the HI Explorer, was a marvel of modern technology, equipped with the latest sensors and engines that allowed it to travel farther and faster than any other vessel in the galaxy. Its crew was comprised of skilled pilots and scientists, each one eager to uncover the mysteries of the universe.

One day, while scanning a remote sector of space, the HI Explorer picked up a faint signal, one that had never been detected before. Intrigued, the crew set a course for the source of the signal, eager to investigate.

As they approached the signal’s origin, they discovered a massive structure, unlike anything they had ever seen before. It was a giant gateway, a portal that seemed to lead to another dimension entirely.

Without hesitation, the crew of the HI Explorer flew straight into the portal, braving the unknown dangers that lay ahead. They emerged on the other side in a brand new dimension, one that was unlike anything they had ever seen before.

Excitement and wonder filled the crew as they began to explore this strange new dimension, discovering planets and asteroids that defied explanation. The dimension was teeming with life, with strange creatures and plants that defied all known biology.

As they explored the dimension, the crew of the HI Explorer realized that they had stumbled upon a discovery that would change the course of human history. They had found a new realm, a new dimension to explore and colonize, and they knew that they were destined to be the ones to do it.

And so, with the Heathen Interstellar organization at the forefront, the crew of the HI Explorer began their new mission, to explore, to colonize, and to push the boundaries of what was possible in Star Citizen. They knew that their journey would be long and dangerous, but they were ready for anything, eager to see what lay beyond the stars and the dimensions.


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