Guggenheim Interstellar Group- Making the Universe a Smaller Place.
Guggenheim Interstellar started as one mans dream- Mr. G. O. Guggenheim. Armed with a loan big enough for a small ship with a big hold, his tenacity and willingness to take risks has taken the company to new heights. Join the Guggenheim Group today and reap the riches of the Galaxy tomorrow.
G.I.C. Has three main concerns:
-Acquisition of rare resources
-Securing profitable trade routes by any means necessary
-Engineering the latest technology
Our number one responsibility is to our shareholders and we believe the best way to fulfill that promise is by being the best company we can. That means taking risks. That means going out into the farthest reaches of the stars to find what has never been found before. That means taking the most profitable route, no matter the danger. Every employee of the Guggenheim Group is a highly skilled member of their profession-whether its hauling goods, blasting pirates or exploring the galaxy- We only hire the best.
More To Come
Lucri super omnia
Anything that produces profit is permissible. Failure to keep a strict mission log will result in an audit of all your operational reports by the Oversight Committee and any unexplained impropriety could result in contract termination. This is both for our protection and yours, as if you are accused of a crime House Counsel needs to be able to mount a defense for any sort of crime you might find yourself accused of in the course of your duties here at Guggenheim Interstellar Group.