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Geo-sync Secure Transport / GSNC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Transport

The only security solution for the goods you care about.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Fields of Operation __________________________________________________________________________________________

⧨ Transport and Security

Geo-Sync’s first main goal is to deliver a best fit solution to your transport needs by providing the right fleet to move your cargo as well as the necessary security provided by our sister org The Black Dove Battalion.
Our self sufficient fleet doesn’t need to wait for a big group or convoy we move as soon as our ships are prepared and have no need to wait on other separate orgs.
Our security service provided by Black Dove goes above and beyond to help ensure your cargo makes it to its drop off point every time, as well as making sure the onload and offload is uninterrupted.

⧨ Freelancing

Freelancing is bound to be a key part of the Star Citizen universe and therefore we support it fully. We encourage our members to put themselves out there and delve into all this game has to offer (though we do not condone illegal actions).
SHARING IS NOT MANDATORY! When you make credits through individual missions or freelancing you are not required to give a portion to the org, though its is an option. By donating in the end you are helping everyone, and will allow us to reach our Org wide goals faster.
Geo-sync is there for its pilots and by extension so is OMNI. We are always looking to help our members reach their individual goals and aspirations in game. We will help to support you in your individual endeavors where we can while giving you the freedom to roam as you wish.

⧨ Exploration, Resources and Trade

We hope to gain a foothold in these three zones. Exploration will give all other a sectors an edge by finding faster routs, better resources and more defensible positions for our main fleet to call home. Gathering resources can be a fast and effective way to make large quantities of credits rather rapidly. We hope to have any number of org operated mining fleets active multiple times a week to keep the resources flowing steady. Trade will fall into step with our mining and cargo crews as they are a key part of the chain. As resources are gathered and shipped to holding zones we need economic gurus on top of the trading market to know when and where to sell to maximize our profits. The members in the trade sector will play one of the key organizational roles.


At a glance


_ Languages necessary _

⧨ English

_ Main Fields of Operation_

⧨ Transport
⧨ Freelancing and Engineering
⧨ Exploration, Trade and Resources

_ Partner Organization_

⧨ Black Dove Battalion


F.A.Q. __________________________________________________________________________________________

“What sort of players are you looking for?”

⧨ We are an English speaking org. with a goal for a Global Playerbase!

Essentially we are looking for loyal players from ALL TIME ZONES across the world. We encourage anyone to join who has a reasonable understanding of the english language though it is not necessary that it is your first spoken language. Seen as how it english might not always be someone’s first language making fun of someone’s language skills will not be tolerated. Our end goal is for the org to have a constant online presence by having members positioned globally.

“I want to rise in rank and perhaps assume a role with more responsibility within the organization.”

⧨ Rank, Role and Responsibility

That is something we greatly welcome and encourage. Right now, Ranks are given out depending on your commitment to our organization and roles in correlation with what sector they wish to spend the most time in. As sectors grow it may become evident that groups need to be organised under a “leader” so to speak to help keep the flow of information in check. Ambitious pilots can rise through the ranks to lead one sector or another by demonstrating necessary interest in that niech and the game in general.

“Does your organization allow piracy or the smuggling of drugs?“

⧨ Piracy and Smuggling

Geo-Sync does neither allow nor condone acts of piracy, illegal slaving or smuggling of highly illegal materials! We seek to better ourselves and to help make the verse a better place. If you somehow obtain a criminal status it will be up to you to deal with it before returning to any sanctioned organization operations.

“What if I ‘find’ something on my way – am I allowed to keep it to myself or do I have to leave it behind?“

⧨ personal effects

You are never required to share any more information or resources then you wish to, that being said by making information known to the org we can all benefit from (jumppoints,resource nodes ext.)

“If Piracy and Slave trading is not allowed, what about bounty hunting and looting information?“

⧨ Bounty Hunting + Infiltration

We here at Geo-sync represent the commercial side of OMNI and thus will not be having any active organised missions for anything in these sectors. For all militant operations see our sister org Black Dove Battalion.

“Does this org have a TS or discord?”

⧨ TS and/or Discord

We currently have an ongoing Organization discord under our father Org OMNI. We have opted to use discord as it is the simpler of the two and makes organization much simpler for us as most of our communication both verbal and written goes through there.