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The Grey Exchange / GREYEXCH

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Infiltration
  • Trading

Knowledge is power, as the man once said, but information still needs a place where it can be bought and sold. While some places get caught up in the details of ‘legality’, we prefer to be the phone book for all the ‘less that legal’ dealings out there.


We won’t bore you with any fancy speeches about our history, or spin stories of our accomplishment. The Grey Exchange is where one goes if they have some hot cargo to move, if they are offering their services for smuggling, looking to buy information on a bounty, or anything else that’s not entirely on the ‘up and up’. We deal in the shady side of the economy; never really being good, nor bad. We ignore the laws when we can get away with it, and understand that while laws may be flexible, a deal is still a deal.

If you sell information here, you best make sure it’s genuine, and you better not start double dealing because nobody wins then. We may not have the strictest appreciation of the law, but if you expect people to buy from you, it’s best to make sure that you don’t rat them out to cops nor criminals just for a double payday.


Data is the life blood of the Galaxy. Whether it is legal or not doesn’t concern us, just so long as it changes hands along with credits.


We are simple folk, so our rules are equally simple:

Honor your deals

Don’t double deal once the credits have been exchanged. We work by being able to provide sound and reliable info. If it gets out that one of us is selling buyers out, then things get ugly for everyone.

Verify it before you sell it

If you have hot information about a bounty, a convoy, some pirates or anything else make sure it’s good before you put it out on the market.

If you get in trouble, you’re on your own

The Grey Exchange is here to facilitate you to be able to operate shady deals, but if you bring trouble to us we will cut you loose. We’re here to provide resources, but don’t expect us to take the heat for you.