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Gnarly Co. / GNARCO

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Social


The pinnacle of stoner excellence
Discord Server


As the sole reason why there’s so much trash on the floor in Grim Hex, we take pride in being filthy druggies. Flying through space in a shitbox, GNARCO was created on-the-spot by 3 trill jits with the singular purpose of trafficking as many Schedule I Narcotics as possible.

I’m starting to think the UEE doesn’t pull people over, we’ve never actually been searched.

| Gnarly Company |


We just have a really strong affinity for smuggling. Anything high on the ‘fun’ meter will more than likely be on our bucket list. Except ground HRTs, we keep getting sent to jail.

GNARCO’s member count is kept at a low number, simply because splitting profit >3 ways is inconceivable to our organization. We aren’t particularly stingy, but we’re also not huge fans of being impoverished.

| Gnarlier Company |


Invites are given by word of mouth, if you are deemed trill by the homies.
You are not required to list GNARCO as your primary organization; however, that would be pretty wicked.

Please stop doing HRTs, I’ve spent more time in Klescher doing lawful missions than I ever have pushin’ P.
Don’t ask anyone in here to mine, we all hate it.

| Gnarliest Company |