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Gjallarhorn / GLRH

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Transport

Gjallarhorn is a premier private military contractor and PvP organization founded in and based in the Stanton system. Established in 2945, Gjallarhorn primarily serves as a mercenary group for the corporate governments throughout Stanton.

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- Founding members of Gjallarhorn relocate to the Stanton system on contract with Hurston Dynamics. At this time Gjallarhorn was not yet even an idea and the original members who traveled to the Stanton system were part of a security company, The Dresden Group, which was working with HD for security contracting.
- Pre-Gjallarhorn members participate in raids throughout the Hurston system over the course of the year in an attempt to stem the flow of drugs into the Lorville business district while working with Hurston Security. During this time the same group participated in numerous defensive and offensive operations in support of Hurston Dynamics.
- Relationships between the members of The Dresden Group in the core systems and in the Stanton system begin to break down following an assignment handed down by Dresden leadership that led to a friendly fire incident killing two friendly combatants and one VIP civilian. Early talks between Stanton Dresden Group members begin around their future.
- Stanton members officially broke off from The Dresden Group and established the security company Gjallarhorn. With The Dresden Group already looking to cease all operations in the Stanton system Gjallarhorn was able to retain control of a majority of supplies, funds, and contracts the Stanton branch of The Dresden Group held before.
- Gjallarhorn begins operations again throughout the entire Stanton system including the Hurston Dynamics owned areas even in light of the previous operation failures that led to the original termination of the HD Dresden Group contract.
- Gjallarhorn acquired their first large-scale ship, the GRN Isaribi a Carrack Expedition class vessel, which allows them to expand their operating range and campaign length.
- With the acquisition of their first dedicated cargo-bearing vessel, a C2 Hercules, Gjallarhorn begins providing secure cargo and delivery services as a part of their operation catalog.
- Gjallarhorn officially signs a contract with Clark Defense Systems that makes them Gjallarhorn’s primary personnel armor supplier. With this move, the Defiance Armor becomes the face of Gjallarhorn’s rapidly expanding ground operations.
-In an effort to modernize and reinforce their ground and infantry units, Gjallarhorn signs its second major contract of the year with Anvil Aerospace. This contract will provide Gjallarhorn with a steady supply of ground and landing vehicles such as the Ballista and Valkryie as well as future allocations for boarding ships such as the Legionnaire.
-Following their success in their early cargo and trading endeavors, Gjallarhorn decided to acquire a Banu Merchantman from the Banu Souli. Gjallarhorn embraces this as an opportunity to both expand their trading business as well as establish a mobile HQ for their endeavors.
-In a major move to further reinforce their naval forces, Gjallarhorn purchases a Perseus which will fill the role of their primary assault ship. This move not only gives Gjallarhorn’s navy the firepower it needs against pirates but also allows them to shift their flagship, the GRN Isaribi, out of the direct line of fire.
-In preparation for further operation expansions, Gjallarhorn purchases an Aegis Reclaimer. This will allow Gjallarhorn to not only support salvage operations in their area of operation but also project additional power in security operations.
-In their largest move as an organization since its creation, Gjallarhorn formally absorbed the allied organization “USS Victory”. This move follows substantial changes in USS-V leadership leading to a need for major organizational changes. Rather than continue to split resources attempting to keep both organizations afloat, Gjallarhorn leadership decides to merge the two. Key USS-V leadership and qualified members will be integrated into the Gjallarhorn chain of command over the following months.
-As the ranks of Gjallarhorn grew towards the end of the year and additional operational was income needed to support its growth, leadership began to look towards expanding the cargo operations of the organization. In order to do so Gjallarhorn entered into a purchase contract with Musashi Industrial Flight Concern (MISC) for both a Hull C and a Hull D. This move enables much wider cargo operation flexibility for the organization. Alongside this purchase, Gjallarhorn also reserved a Galaxy from Roberts Space Industries (RS) to act as a multi-role mission ship for service alongside the fleet’s Perseus also from RSI.


Gjallarhorn Organization Fleet
Flagship: Anvil Carrack Expedition – GRN Isaribi
Primary Cargo Transport: Hercules C2
Secondary Cargo Transport and Trading Hub: Banu Merchantman
Primary Assault Vehicle: RSI Perseus – GRN Vanadis
Heavy Salvage and Transport: Aegis Reclaimer


Gjallarhorn Corporation Charter

We, the remaining members of the Stanton Dresden Group branch, hereby dissolve all ties, contracts, and relationships with the aforementioned Earth based corporation. We follow this with the formation of Gjallarhorn and the promise of a future that is both safe and secure for us and all that we can protect. Gjallarhorn offers a chance for all who wish to move forward with us.

- Gjallarhorn will always have the priority of securing a safe and prosperous home for those within its ranks.
- Gjallarhorn will operate within the laws of the UEE and seek to always promote a peaceful and secure galaxy.
- Gjallarhorn will not use its powers to threaten, harm, or otherwise damage those who do swear the same.
- Gjallarhorn will continue the traditions of members before by ensuring our history is respected while adapting as the galaxy grows around them.

- Gjallarhorn will be founded with a ruling council of 7, to ensure no matter goes undecided or unresolved. The ruling council will have the unimpeded ability to appoint commanders, officers, and members as well as make all major decisions with the advice and support of the broader organization.
- The ruling council will be supported by the commanders and officer corps to make sure decisions are promptly and consistently handed down throughout the branches.
- Any council member may be removed by either a unanimous vote by the remainder of the ruling council or a 2/3rds majority vote by the organization as a whole. In addition to this any member, regardless of rank, branch, or qualifications, may be put up for election to an open council chair with a petition of at least 25% of the organization’s members. In order to be elected into the position they must receive a majority vote once the petition has been verified.
- Branch commanders will have the unimpeded ability, except when overruled by a majority council vote, to appoint their reporting commanders and officers, as well as utilize the units, ships, and other resources under their command to act independently and dynamically to protect Gjallarhorn and its interests.
- All members must always act in the best interest of Gjallarhorn but shall never be prevented from seeking their own prosperity as long as it does not again infringe upon Gjallarhorn’s operations. Gjallarhorn aims to be collaborative and work in partnership with its members, never against them.
- In the case of an incident that results in all council members being incapacitated or unable to do their duties, the acting branch commanders may adopt de facto council powers to ensure the continuation of Gjallarhorn.
- Three primary branches will be established and placed under the command of the ruling council and assigned branch commanders. These branches are… – The Gjallarhorn Naval Corp: Consisting of any and all personnel who staff or command any of Gjallarhorns naval ships. This includes any personnel who serve in an assigned role specific to the ship they are on, the command personnel, and any non named (small) ship crew (excluding ships solely operated by the Operations Division under their internal air wing). – The Gjallarhorn Operations Division: This division consists of all personnel who staff Gjallarhorn bases or property, engage in research or civilian roles, operate and maintain the Gjallarhorn supply chain, or are assigned to ships outside of the ships specific roles that are not naval crew. – The Gjallarhorn Marines: The primary non-ship fighting force of Gjallarhorn and consisting of any personnel who engage in “on foot” combat. This includes any combat unit assigned to ships or bases such as defense crew, security personnel, or boarding and landing forces.

- All Gjallarhorn ships which require an effective crew of 4 or more must have an individual ship designation, or name, with the prefix that matches their function.
- Gjallarhorn military vessels will all utilize the GNV, or Gjallarhorn Naval Vessel, prefix.
- Civilian vessels operating under the command of or staffed by a majority of Gjallarhorn personnel and when engaged in Gjallarhorn operations must utilize the GCV, or Gjallarhorn Civilian Vessel prefix.
- All Gjallarhorn members will strive to maintain the decorum of the organization and protect its interest as best as they can.