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  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Scouting








The Genesis Vanguard was founded in the year 2932 by a group of military veterans and like-minded individuals who believed in upholding law and order within the UEE (United Empire of Earth) territory. The organization was established as a private military corporation specializing in providing security services, combating piracy, and assisting the UEE Navy in times of need.

From its inception, the Genesis Vanguard set out to solidify its reputation through their skill, professionalism, and dedication to protecting innocent lives. In the early years of its existence, the PMC faced various trials, but it was during the Battle of Davien in 2945 that they gained widespread recognition for their combat prowess.

In this epic battle against a notorious pirate coalition threatening Davien’s vital trade routes, the Genesis Vanguard fought alongside the UEE Navy, displaying notable coordination and valor. Their successful defense of the system not only saved countless lives and valuable assets but also showcased their ability to operate seamlessly with the official military forces.

Following this battle, the Genesis Vanguard saw a significant surge in recruitment as pilots and ground troops sought to be part of an organization known for its integrity and determination. With their ranks growing steadily, the PMC expanded its fleet, acquiring Idris capital ships and other vessels to enhance their operational capabilities.

Over the years, the Genesis Vanguard has continued to provide critical support to the UEE Navy, often deploying alongside them in major conflicts against hostile alien forces and criminal syndicates. Their involvement in pivotal engagements such as the Battle of Stanton III and the Rimworld Campaign further solidified their reputation as a force to be reckoned with.

In the present day, the Genesis Vanguard remains an active and respected PMC within the universe. They continue to stand firmly on the side of the law, working tirelessly to maintain order, protect UEE interests, and ensure the safety of the citizens. With their impressive fleet and skilled personnel, the Genesis Vanguard remains a steadfast ally to the UEE Navy, undertaking vital missions to safeguard the peace and prosperity of the galaxy.


Genesis Vanguard History

Genesis Vanguard was created after many years of being a very casual group. Over time, many left to play other games, pursue other goals ingame and others just moved on. Since 2013 the group has been always focused on lawful gameplay and will always remain so.

This new group was created with the old being left behind as with name changes, spectrum ID’s do not so to keep everything up to date, this new group was formed. The old contained some members who are no longer with us and we did not want to just remove them, so a memorial unit was created with those remaining in its ranks.

Genesis Vanguard is an RP focused organisation that tried to put you into the verse. We prefer those who join to bring their real world-selves into the game world while putting themselves into situations they would never be a part of. (Space Ship Captains etc.). While we prefer you bring your real self to the table, we are not against you bringing a fictional persona provided it’s believable within the SC universe. Sorry, no Captain McStretchypants on his whirlwind tour as a trumpet player can join.

While we may play at all times and any days we all have real world lives, jobs and families so this will never impede your progress within the organisation. We will also try our best to hold large organised events with maximum possible attendance.

Finally, We also do not restrict members activities outside of events. Feel free to play with friends, run solo cargo or explore with randoms. However, you may NOT conduct in Piracy or Griefing against other players (AI also included with Piracy) and this will have you expelled from the group.

Why Join Genesis Vanguard?

Because why not?

Ok, real answer. We strive to bring a fun yet structured RP org into the game which follows similar paths to real world military as well as following the current ingame UEE military. We wish to push training, large scale operations into various and multiple systems as well as recon and scouting ops in dangerous territories to our members as well as have fun along the way.

What Can I do in Genesis Vanguard?

  • Genesis Vanguard is broken down into multiple squadrons. All of which are under the Command Element. The squadrons each have a primary focus but will have to branch out to other tasks if needed. These squadrons are;
    • COMMAND – Keeps all the squadrons in place. Gives out orders and distributes intel between the squadrons as well as maintaining order and discipline
    • FLEET – The main body of the Vanguard. All ship crews, pilots and engineers all fall into this squadron.
    • SUPPLY – The lifeline of the fleet. Maintains the supply ships bringing much needed supplies to not only our own fleet but also for aid around the universe.
    • GROUND – All ground (planetside) based missions.
    • RECON – The elite of the fleet. Their focus is to go out and collect intel whether on foot on in a ship possibly behind enemy lines.
    • RESERVE – For affiliate members and those who wish to occasionally take part.

At present, everyone enters via the fleet squadron and training with recommendations allow you to progress into alternate squadrons.

Genesis Vanguard Structure?

We have a number of ranks and roles that help keep things organised as well as show seniority and knowledge, this makes it easier for new players to find help.

  • Currently, your structure consists of 6 ranks;
    • Commander
    • Captain
    • Lieutenant
    • Sergeant
    • Corporal
    • Private
  • As for our roles, we have the following;
    • Commanding Officer (Founder/Founding Staff)
    • Command Staff (Officer)
    • Recruiting Officer (Recruitment)
    • Advertising Officer (Marketing)
  • Outside of the roles available to manage via the website we also have roles / positions which we can manage via other means. Such as;
    • Pilots
    • Ground Teams
    • Engineers
    • Instructors
    • Scouts
    • Medics / Medical Staff
    • Deck Crews
    • and more!
  • Affiliated members fall into our Reservist forces. All reservist members have limitations in rank and roles such as;
    • Max attainable rank of Corporal
    • Only able to fill in roles within FLEET and SUPPLY squadrons.
    • Unable to attain specialised roles such as Fighter Pilot, Command Staff Roles, Instructor Roles etc.

Membership Requirements

  • Must be at least 16 or over.
  • Must use Discord. Applications will be declined if not approved via Discord channel.
  • Must have and use a microphone for Voice Comms.
  • Must NOT be affiliated to griefing and/or Pirate organisations.
  • Must not attempt to create drama, grief or cause issues to the organisation.
  • You may be an affiliate however some roles and ranks will be restricted.

Join today via our Discord Link



Reality Comes First

Everyone has a real life, hopefully. Family, work and other real world commitments should always come before a video game. We are to never hold people back for missing out at times due to real life events and noone is to put anyone down because of it.

Be Respectful to Everyone

We are adults…or at least should be and with that we should act like it. Treat people how you expect to be treated yourself.

Keep the negativity stowed.

No need for negativity here. While we are not expecting Oddball to tell us to keep our waves positive, we don’t want to bring everyone down. Lets keep this place just one step down from being confined to a rubber room!

We Keep Things Fair.

There is no fast tracking into ranks/roles. No favoritism. Everyone gets the opportunity to advance and pursue the path they wish, however, the standard set will remain for all to reach so it may take time and more than one attempt to get there!

No Place For Piracy or Griefers!

We are a lawful group, one of our roles is to combat any pirate threat to the innocent. Those who walk the line of piracy will be removed from the organisation. Griefers will be straight up expelled and removed from Discord.

Set weekly events!

We have a dedicated session every Sunday where we try to get on and play. This could be in the PU, Arena Commander or on a PTU,EPTU or Preview Build. Main events will most likely be during this session however other days can host events.

All ships provided!

No need to bring a ship with you. The Genesis Vanguard provides all ships in our fleet from the light and mighty Argo Cargo up to the mighty Idris!

UK based but around anytime!

We are often online most hours of the day, most active between 2100 and 0300 GMT.