Geodynamic Empiricism Operations / GEOEMPOPS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Engineering
  • Exploration

“The concord for science.”


███ This organization is part of a politically-neutral alliance of science organizations, called Cognition Corp ███


Inspired by previous experience of members that founded the corporation in different and exclusive fields, the shared goal is to incorporate small or large-scale synergy between the experiences of the members, no matter how diverse the skill set or their backgrounds (neither segregation between citizens and civilians). Geodynamic Empiricism Operations understands that in order to be effective in all fields of mining, exploration, and industry, that a wide field of knowledge from adepts and veterans alike in different fields, must work cohesively through harmony.

The corporation was founded on the basis of a democratic system of decision making, alongside with cooperative behavior with other consulting corporations who may be a part, or ally, of a much bigger project. To ensure this stride and pursuit for the excellence of scientific knowledge, our corporation holds neutral standing with all corporations and factions of the known space.

Geodynamic Empiricism Operations simply mines, excavates, researches, and produces assets within a terminal of space, ensuring logistical progression of manufactured items from all fields of technology, while synchronously sending specialists to all parts of the galaxy for various tasks; this ensures productivity and stimulus of various fields of knowledge, and to understand the interactions between them.


If you think that your fate is to understand the Universe and the science it holds, perhaps GeoEmpOps can help you get there.


███ This organization is part of a politically-neutral alliance of science organizations, called Cognition Corp ███


If you think that experiencing mining, exploration, research, and industry is your potential plug for enjoyment, then perhaps you should consider Geodynamic Empiricism Operations as one of your organizations!

Even if you only have minor interests in these fields, but want to get your hands on science while not fully committing to a science group (but want to use the services of science ships and exchange/learn information regarding it), then this organization may be your forte. We are completely neutral with all political backgrounds in Star Citizen, making us your home away from home when you want to get your hands on science and industry (and learn to master it at the same time).

We don’t care where you come from, and who you hate, or who you are at war with. All of that is left at the door by each member upon interacting with other members for the sake of learning and utilizing science/industry. For those who have watched the movie “Constantine”, our scientific environment is something similar to the establishment that the Witch Doctor had owned and ran — a sanctuary of science in our case, so to speak.


███ This organization is part of a politically-neutral alliance of science organizations, called Cognition Corp ███


Two Core Rules of Geodynamic Empiricism Operations:

  • Members of GeoEmpOps will not harass, antagonize, or kill another member of GeoEmpOps, regardless of reputation, bounty, familiarity with Star Citizen, or UEE standing.
  • Stealing or thieving from other members of GeoEmpOps is not tolerated, and is punishable by exile, corporate targeting (player accused of action is targeted by GeoEmpOps as an enemy of war), and death, all of which are declared on verdict assuming that sufficient evidence is presented.

Remember these two rules of the organization, and we guarantee that you will enjoy yourself, and your time on Star Citizen, with an organization built on trust and cooperation.