First Universal Bank / FUBANK

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Exploration

Welcome to First Universal Bank

We provide a wide range of services and commodities for all

Click “Join us now!” for career opportunities or visit our Corporation Website

  • Role-play friendly – Your Choice
  • Additional fees may apply


First Universal Bank Corporation Website



The story of First Universal bank starts with three Terran friends. An heir to a powerful merchant family, a former UEE Intel Officer and a veteran UEE Fleet Commander. But before FUBANK they had first established TOJII – a start-up corporation that revolutionized the tourism industry.
With the new system they developed, called “TGVPS” or “Terran Galactic Vacation Processing System”, they set a new standard on ease of use for the tourism industry.
Needles to say the system caught like fire and had very quickly spread across the universe ever since.

This year would be full of personal events and a turning point in the lives of the three friends, and they decided to sell their successful corporation.



After selling their successful start-up company, it was finally possible.
An endeavor they have always dreamed about. Revolutionizing the universal economy by creating a mega corporation that benefit the people instead of exploiting them for the gain of few.
First Universal Bank is established.



After establishment, the Corporation began the pursuit of greatness and worked its way to become a main supplier of services and commodities to all. Expansion operations were well undergoing and Public and Corporate Membership Cards are now issued exclusively.
We are inviting capable individuals, groups and any organisation to claim a membership in our Corporation (excluding unlawful corporations and/or groups).



Brilliant year for the corporation as we saw 107% growth in members. Quite a leap!

Topping that there were several remarkable achievements for the Corporation in 2945:
- Teamspeak3 Server released (please refer to our discord channel)
- Free For All Fleet Generator app (in our corporation website)
- Routes and formation tactics manuals planning and research
- Forums and blogs planning and research



The Corporation is gaining more and more power and the support from Individuals and Corporations around the universe is ever so great.

Corporation Achievements for the year 2946:
- Negotiations with Banu officials for exploration permits
- Applied for a UEE bid to supply Trade Route Security Services in 5 systems.
- 3 new mining contracts in Xian territory


“To Thrive Together For The Gain of All – Additional Fees May Apply.”


First Universal Bank Corporation Website


We were fed up with the capitalistic ways that brought entire races to their knees.

Crime and Fear everywhere you look around.

That is, of course unless you are filthy rich.

But even then you are never completely safe or free.

We realized the only way to fight this epidemic of the Corporation Universe, was to fight fire with fire. Gain control of the fire and put it out yourself. Create a Corporation that would benefit the members and anyone who comes in business with us, that will grow to be the biggest in the universe, that would eventually swallow all the others who seek personal gain. Thus, allowing us to eliminate the evil by-products of our damaged societies, and to create an alternate resource based economy in the territories that we own and secure. Freeing the people from the damned corporations that control their lives with debt.

We can make a change in the universe and make it a better place for everyone. Free to have a real chance for good life in the verse.



List of Services and Commodities we currently provide:

1) Trading All Goods
2) Exploration and Research Expeditions
3) Mining and Salvaging Operations
4) Refuelling Operations
5) Security Escort Operations
6) Medical Services
7) Supply and Repair Services
8) Search and Rescue Operations
9) Secured Cargo and VIP Transportation


“To Thrive Together For The Gain of All – Additional Fees May Apply.”


First Universal Bank Corporation Website


Corporate Guidelines:

1) Main and Only Language is English. Must be used in inner and public communication at all times (except PRIVATELY with your friends of course).
2) A decision made by the Board is the final word.
3) The Board is entitled to alter, delete or add guidelines at any time.
4) No Team Kills What-so-ever.
5) Be respectful and courteous to all members and affiliates.
6) Immature play and unnecessary drama will not be tolerated and will result in immediate expulsion or a business ban.
7) Harassment will result in expulsion or business ban.
8) Never be too serious! (But take the battle to the extreme!)
9) Affiliates who want to maintain any business or contractual relationship are invited to visit our website for more information and registration.
10) Personal information regarding full members and affiliates, and Corporation intellectual property in game and real life must not be shared by anyone and may lead to real life legal action against the perpetrator.


Full Membership Requirements:

1) Have Discord and join the Corporation Discord Server
2) Follow corporate guidelines when cruising the Verse!
3) Make a good name for the Bank and yourself!
4) Make UEC!
5) Apply Additional Fees!


“To Thrive Together For The Gain of All – Additional Fees May Apply.”