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Knights Templar / FREEMASON

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free)


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Knight’s Templar

We plan on being a very diverse guild in regards to play style, we do not plan on being pirates or part of the UEE navy but to sit on the line between both happy to work for either side if the credits are right never aligning with either.

Heading Three Possible play styles we welcome;

  • Fighters (ranging from small crew ship fighters, medium size crewed ships to the largest crewed ships all are needed)
If fighting is not your style do not fear there is always a place for you amongst the Knight’s Templar we are always looking for people who want to conduct any of the following:
  • Freighting goods either in UEE controlled space or unsafe space
  • Smuggling goods
  • Fencing stolen goods for pirates or other greyish organisations
  • Bounty Hunting
  • Running factories and controlling production of goods
  • Contracts manager
  • and many more (if you are unsure of a play style that you feel could benefit us feel free to ask always open to more input)


Who we are

We are a small bunch of mates from Australia that play a diverse collection of games and have now begun to venture into the world of Star Citizen so feel free to join and experience a relaxed gaming environment, happy to answer any questions you may have

Real Life/Virtual Life

There are no expected game hours you play when you can we will in no way ever enforce a required game play time per week, we understand people have families, jobs and a life outside the gaming world and encourage you to live it!

Rules and Consequences

We are a very flex guild we plan to neither be pirate or UEE navy its more of a play how you feel but there is one rule:

  1. we will not openly be pirating unless contracted to by a pirate organisation or any other organisation that sees the benefit in hiring us to stop a rival companies good being shipped for example.

We have a TS channel that is constantly in use and will be a key part of our experience in the verse and the multitude of other games that we play there are how ever a few simple rules with our TeamSpeak Channel:

  • No mic spamming
  • No chatbox spamming
  • No excessive poking or private messaging officers they will get back to you as soon as they possible can to solve any issues you are having
  • Do not give out any TeamSpeak details to anyone who is not a member unless given explicit permission or direction to do so by an officer/admin.
  • When someone is speaking allow them to finish what they are saying so we do not have a thousand voices going on at once
  • We are an adult guild but keep links and chat appropriate
  • Stick to the appropriately assigned TS channels for your current game or activity. i.e. When playing Star Citizen do not be in the CS Go channel
  • Treat all guests respectfully