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Free People of the Verse / FPOV

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“Fly as a contractor, profit as a member, live like a family”

Free People of the Verse aims to be free and independent. Organized based on the Banu system, we are forming a company and family (Souli) that aims to help all of our members be truly independent and sovereign.


Motivation behind the FPOV Founding

After leaving the UEE military forces very much disillusioned by their hypocrisy, our founder randomly fell in with a Souli of Banu operating in Stanton. Living and working with them changed his views on life, relationships and what goals we all should focus on. While he thought that his moral standard would make the Verse a better place if everyone adopted it, it would violate those very moral standards to enforce those standards on anybody not voluntarily wanting to adopt them.

So, after a long random walk across Verse, he decided the best way to help others is to create a Human based Souli. Combining principles of Banu Souli organizations with Human moral minimum standards in interactions, he founded the Free People Of the Verse. A group who’s members live by those moral standards and organize voluntarily based on them. We make money by helping our members make money and live by example to show the Verse how profitable these moral standards can be. We don’t look to own or conquer space. We look to convince others by being a living example.

Free People Of the Verse

Merchant Souli

“Fly as a contractor, profit as a member, live like a family”

Information Links:





Classification: Human Based Souli
Name: Free People Of the Verse

Founding Members:

Ren Skirata

Founding: February 25th 2951
Home System: Irrelevant

Charter statement:

We the members of the Free People Of the Verse, in order to better protect our hopes, dreams, freedoms and each members sovereignty, officially organize ourselves into a Sovereign Merchant Souli. We pledge both our faith and loyalties to each other in pursuit of that.

As we grow, IF we need to grow to achieve a new goal, we look to make each individual member skilled in their trade and wealthy enough to feel they are free to come and go as they wish. The last thing we, as the organization, wants is to make our members feel like they “NEED” the FPOV or to make our members feel like the FPOV “NEEDS” them. We want each member feel like the FPOV wants them here and that all members to want to be here.

Our primary goal in the short term is to grow to a large enough size to be able to safely move from System to system looking for profit. This translates into gaining skills in both Exploring, Reconnaissance, Basic Combat Tactics, Operational Communications and Best Trade Practices. The FPOV will also use our profits to get our hands on equipment to be able preform these tasks. In order to achieve these goals, FPOV shares both the rewards and the risks of each mission and activity we do. Those activities very from day to day based on what is profitable and enjoyable.

We, the FPOV, look to our members, clients, and customers to keep us honest. If you are working with us and feel we are not being honest and forthright, please stop doing business with us. If you are a member and feel we are not living up to the goal of making you better off and more able to stand on your own, then please find somewhere better for you to be. Lastly, if you are someone who looks to do us harm, we will try to kill you right back. We do not look to cross anybody and we expect the same from everyone else. We do the job, we get paid. Keep Flying.

Free People Of the Verse

Merchant Souli

“Fly as a contractor, profit as a member, live like a family”

Information Links:
